10 Bewitching Quotes On Sex And Love By Instagram Poet Mason Fowler
"And maybe, if we share enough kisses, the stars will kiss us too."

Ask Mason Fowler what took him from never seeing writing as a career to sharing his poetry with thousands on his social media accounts, what his muse was, and he’ll tell you the truth: women.
Growing up, he never really saw school as a way of feeding his imagination and, as many are able to relate to, never really saw learning as something stimulating or fun; more just something you were forced to do.
But as he got older, he realized that as his relationship with women grew, so did his writing.
But even if he admits to finding his muse in good sex and women, he believes that ambition should be kept secret; why give away everything up front, right?
Just like everyone experiences when trying to find their way in life, there were challenges Fowler faced as he honed his writing skills.
Though nothing of Bukowski standards – who was well-known for his raw writing about alcohol, women, and his own life – he admits that he can be a little bit pretentious and still have his own challenges to work through.
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But no matter how much he – or any other writer – wants their lives and experiences to fuel their work, sometimes the hardest part of writing is simply writing at all.
And I know all too well how hard even that can be sometimes.
His Instagram and Facebook pages are full of poetry that touches on the erotic complexity of sex and love.
Wild, dirty sex complete with a blindfold and a belt, a one night stand, a woman’s desire for love; all of these things are so much more than what’s on the surface.
And being able to write it in a way that’ll make your reader blush and imagine themselves in that same bedroom, tied up and blindfolded, while still being able to write poetry about sex that isn’t like everyone else is an admirable skill.
He doesn’t look for inspiration, but it doesn’t find him either. Whatever is in the moment – something sexy, something dirty, something inappropriate – that’s inspiration enough.
And if you ask me, it works for him.
His only plan for the future? Letting things work out on their own time; no use forcing something that won’t happen – in life and in writing.
You can check out all of his poetry on his Instagram page.
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1.On lust.
“We lay in bed in a heap of sweaty love until the curtains stop holding the sun and light shines on two naked bodies that were strangers the night before, but young lust runs deeper than expected and sometimes a sinner meets another, and a secret is hatched that only a look into the eyes can tell.” — Mason Fowler
2.On a woman's desire.
“The complexity of a woman’s desire for love then sex then love all seems too much at times and I have to go away or else my soul will surrender piece by piece and then who puts the puzzle together? Do they use glue?” — Mason Fowler
3.On wanting someone.
“You wanted her to want you back. Next time, take her uptown. Get a suite at the Plaza. Wine, strip her, tie her to the bed. Spank her. Let her feel you. Watch her rise to life. Go until she sleeps. Then, leave before she wakes. You’ll be a monster. But, for some reason, every Beauty wants her Beast.” — Mason Fowler
4.On nights full of lust and romance.
“She lived for nights thick with lust and romance and wine and naked kisses.” — Mason Fowler
5.On women.
“I bought a pen for 35 dollars. It was nice, silver, and shiny. I felt professional, but it wrote like shit. I do better with the three dollar pen. It’s smooth and hold the curves when I’ve been drinking. Women can be this way. I’ve had three dollar pens hold 100 dollar conversations after ten five dollar shots on the 9th floor of the Hilton. I never felt professional then, but I felt good holding those curves.” — Mason Fowler
6.On beauty.
“Come. Lay in the grass with me, let the sun and the moon shed tears on our beauty. And maybe, if we share enough kisses, the stars will kiss us too.” — Mason Fowler
7.On finding a connection with someone.
“Do you see it? No, look closer. The candle light the flame; it wants to burn and the wick, it wants to be burned. So they dance to the tune of an imperfect harmony. Do you think one day, maybe we could dance this way?” — Mason Fowler
8.On how sex makes you feel.
“She was heaven and she was hell. And when she was finished, he would lay in bed, breathless, waiting to get the feeling back in his legs.” — Mason Fowler
9.On getting lost in love.
“Feel the deepest part of me and I’ll feel the deepest part of you. And afterwards we can lay there; bare and vulnerable, loathing in the sweat of our hot love.” — Mason Fowler
10.On turning sex into love.
“Shh. Stop. No words tonight. Just move me and I’ll move you. Until each of us has nothing left to say. Then darling, we will call it love.” — Mason Fowler