What Your Birth Month Reveals About Your Genuine, No-Filter Personality
How much does your birth month affect how you interact with the rest of the world?

Have you ever met a person and just wondered why they are the way that they are? Well, as it turns out there's a rhyme and a reason for that. The month you were born reveals the intricate inner workings of what makes you, you.
Maybe you're the girl who's constantly overwhelmed with emotions and has no way to express them, or maybe you tend to be a bit of a lone wolf and you're happy with that because you're content being on your own.
Taking a moment to dive into the inner workings of your life based on your birth month could lead you to discover things about yourself you never even knew were there. Or maybe you always knew it was there, but never paid much mind to it.
What your birth month reveals about your genuine personality:
1. January
People born in January are hard workers with strong opinions, and you're not afraid to let people know what you think. They tend to be stubborn and don't enjoy being managed. They tend to be good leaders, given their persistent drive to succeed. They have trouble listening to directions.
2. February
Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels
People born in February are the creative, imaginative types. They enjoy dedicating themselves to big projects and love deep, philosophical conversations. Being creative allows you to have a more open, fulfilled life. You're able to take bad things in stride, and not waver in your convictions.
Alex Mathers, a writer and life coach, stated that the most significant thing creative people do differently is to "challenge what most people think is correct. They present alternative viewpoints. This makes for superior writing and intriguing communication, for example." Their approach to the creative process steps outside what is considered normal.
Mathers said creative people also practice 'perfect' listening. "Deep listening often requires you to permit yourself to indulge in really hearing what’s happening around you," Mathers said. "People talk about the power of sensory deprivation. I say try the other way. Listen to the surface level. Then, go further and listen to the spaces between sounds. Now you’re Superman. No wonder you feel your veins throbbing back to life."
You can question the norm and use it to be better at your hobbies and job. Shallow people are boring and annoying to them. They're called free-spirited by those close to them and the whole world is an adventure just waiting for them to take it.
3. March
People born in March are imaginative but, unlike February babies, tend to be more introverted and quieter. They live in their heads and create mental masterpieces, so to speak. They are the most gentle and thoughtful people. They crave peace.
4. April
People born in April are attention-seekers. They love being in the limelight. They don't enjoy taking orders from others, which is counter to their otherwise strong desire to be famous.
They want new adventures and are constantly seeking an adrenaline rush. They can come off as loud and obnoxious.
5. May
People born in May tend to be a bit more wishy-washy and fickler, often changing their minds abruptly and frequently. They're expressive and enjoy meeting new people. They like to have a vibrant social life and dislike being alone. They bore easily.
6. June
People born in June are the world-savers. They're sensitive and caring and just want what's best for the world.
They tend to be creative and think far into the future. They're constantly searching for how to bring their ideas to life. As sensitive as they are, they tend to have trouble expressing how they feel.
7. July
Helena Lopes / Pexels
People born in July are almost exactly like people born in June, but they tend to be even more extroverted. They're confident, happy people, yet they have a much more serious nature about them just beneath the surface. Like June, they hide away their fears and feelings.
8. August
People born in August are the people who take charge and lead the world. They're sometimes opinionated to a fault and the ultimate delegators. They often overthink things and do well in fields that involve critical thinking. They don't often show their human side.
9. September
People born in September have sometimes unrealistically high expectations of the people around them. They can come off as mean and stubborn, and if you end up on their bad side, they'll never let you live it down. Their high ideals often lead to disappointment.
Katherine Agranovich, PhD, a medical hypnotherapist and holistic consultant, offered advice that she also uses to prevent herself from allowing unrealistic high expectations to affect her relationships.
She said, "Expecting someone else to be perfect all the time and to do things when and how you want them crushes the flexibility of human nature," and says asking yourself this question — Can I live with this behavior and be okay? — may make you realize that slight imperfections aren't as big of a deal as you initially thought.
10. October
People born in October are the opposite of the season they're born in. While the weather is changing and things are either dying off or coming back to life (depending on your hemisphere), October babies like things to be solid and stable. They don't like confrontation and hate change.
11. November
People born in November are the most enigmatic of the bunch. They hide their feelings, but they don't have too many fears. It leads to an interesting combination. Life doesn't stop them. They have a strong passion for life.
In her advice for others to find their passion, life coach Janelle Anderson said, "You can't find [it] by thinking about it." She recommends others stop focusing on searching for their passions and instead look inward.
"Passion lives in your heart, not your head. Passions flow underneath what you are doing. [Passions] go deep, like an underground river, flowing through your life," Anderson explained, saying that her childhood dream of being a teacher acted as a container for a deeper passion to form adulthood: to become a life coach.
12. December
People born in December are the most generous, but they tend to be prideful and forceful with their beliefs. They work hard and can't sit still for very long.
Their friends call them feisty for their free-spirited attitude. Now that you know what your birth month says about you, you can better understand yourself.
Reading zodiacs, and connecting them with specific personality traits has been done for centuries, but is there any actual evidence of it? Yes! One 2021 study, as an example, found that people who were born in the winter months were more likely to be introverted compared to those born in the spring.
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