The Biggest Fear Each Zodiac Sign Has To Face In A Relationship

Every relationship has highs and lows, but not everyone copes the same.

couple holding hands on zodiac wheel Canva Original Graphics, ovidiutimplaruportfolio, Creavora from Creavora, Tetiana Nekrasova from FFG Images via Canva

Relationships are hard, especially when there are certain fears plaguing one or both partners.

But it's not always surface-level concerns like how much attention you're giving or if you share the same values. Rather, it's concerns like moving too quickly or fearing a breakup in the future.

These fears are valid, but having a wall up can only hurt your relationship in the end. Luckily, astrology can provide insight into the deep fears you may be harboring.


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Here's the biggest fear each zodiac sign has to face in their relationship


Aries (March 21 - April 19)

biggest relationship fear for aries Ariú DSGN by debz, Зображення користувача Віталій Баріда via Canva

Aries doesn't like to spend too much time on one thing, preferring to finish one task before beginning another. While this doesn't happen in their relationships, Aries has fears that their partner will tie them down.

Aries hates the idea of not being free to do as they please, whether it’s traveling, taking new opportunities, or not having to worry about their partner disapproving of their choices. The second they feel restrained in a relationship, they know it’s over.

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Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

biggest relationship fear for taurus Ariú DSGN by debz, Зображення користувача Віталій Баріда via Canva

Taurus prefers to take things slow, especially in new relationships. Unfortunately, sometimes that leaves them and their partner at odds with where they are in the relationship.

While Taurus may still be in the "getting comfortable with each other" phase, their partner could be practically living at their house. This makes Taurus afraid that things are moving too quickly, but they may be left feeling uncomfortable and unsure of what to do.

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Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

biggest relationship fear for gemini Ariú DSGN by debz, Зображення користувача Віталій Баріда via Canva

Gemini is a social butterfly who is always ready for a good time. But their biggest fear is that their romantic partner will end up being the complete opposite of a love match.

While having a night in is always a good idea to improve relationships, when it’s the only thing Gemini’s partner wants to do, it can make them feel guilty for wanting to go out. And in a situation like this, both sides end up unhappy.

RELATED: What Happens When You Break Up With A Gemini, By Zodiac Sign


Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

biggest relationship fear for cancer Ariú DSGN by debz, Зображення користувача Віталій Баріда via Canva

Cancer is sensitive and emotional, and they always form strong attachments to the people around them. It’s great, except when they consider their biggest fear, which is that their partner doesn’t actually care.

Cancer is afraid that their partner is just in a relationship to get something out of it. That’s not an easy fear to face, especially when Cancer has become completely attached to their partner.

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Leo (July 23 - August 22)

biggest relationship fear for leo Ariú DSGN by debz, Зображення користувача Віталій Баріда via Canva

Leo is confident and always on the move, but what happens when their one and only tries to tie them down? It becomes Leo’s biggest fear in a relationship.

The Lion is an incredibly loyal partner, but they must also remain loyal to themselves and their desires. So, Leo becomes completely torn on what to do, as it would be so much easier if their partner shared their view.

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Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

biggest relationship fear for virgo Ariú DSGN by debz, Зображення користувача Віталій Баріда via Canva

Virgo tends to pay attention to the little things, which is both a blessing and a curse. They notice when their romantic partner is acting a bit off, and they then convince themselves that all of their relationship fears are coming true.

Virgo may start to believe their partner doesn’t care about them or the relationship. Of course, this is most likely not the case, but once Virgo convinces themselves it’s happening, there’s almost no going back.

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Libra (September 23 - October 22)

biggest relationship fear for libra Ariú DSGN by debz, Зображення користувача Віталій Баріда via Canva

One of Libra’s biggest weaknesses is their indecisiveness. It becomes an issue early on in a relationship when they actually want to define things, and they are just not sure where they are emotionally.

Libra fears that their partner will move too quickly in the relationship, leaving them confused and frazzled. And this may lead them to make choices they aren’t ready to make just yet.

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Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

biggest relationship fear for scorpio Ariú DSGN by debz, Зображення користувача Віталій Баріда via Canva

Scorpio can’t stand when people rush through life — everything will happen when it’s meant to happen, according to them. So when they meet someone and they reveal their five-year-plan, Scorpio believes it’s not meant to be.

They fear people who move too quickly, but not because they haven’t thought things through; rather, it’s because Scorpio is simply not experiencing and enjoying all that life can offer.

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Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

biggest relationship fear for sagittarius Ariú DSGN by debz, Зображення користувача Віталій Баріда via Canva

Sagittarius’ biggest fear in a relationship is not feeling excited by their partner, and that they will fail to capture their attention. Sagittarius has an intense thirst for adventure and fun, and they won't settle for any old cookie-cutter relationship.

This zodiac sign requires drama, excitement, adventure, and surprise. Otherwise, Sagittarius will lose interest very quickly, putting an end to their relationship.

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Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

biggest relationship fear for capricorn Ariú DSGN by debz, Зображення користувача Віталій Баріда via Canva

Capricorn is honest, practical, reliable, and a master of self-control. But this means they refuse to let anyone else control them and their decisions. Even if their romantic partner has an opinion on their choices, Capricorn won’t hear it.

Not only is there nothing more unattractive than someone trying to make decisions for them, but it’s also Capricorn’s biggest fear. They never want to feel trapped and need to remain in total control.

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Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

biggest relationship fear for aquarius Ariú DSGN by debz, Зображення користувача Віталій Баріда via Canva

Aquarius is a natural problem-solver, but problems take time in certain situations, especially if they want the issue resolved properly. But when their partner tries to sweep everything under the rug or find a quick fix, it becomes Aquarius’ biggest fear.

This zodiac sign understands that problems will arise in relationships, and they don’t try to hide that face. But they know that attempting to forget about it won’t work and the issue will come back later on, but much worse.

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Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

biggest relationship fear for pisces Ariú DSGN by debz, Зображення користувача Віталій Баріда via Canva

Pisces will do anything to help others, especially the ones they love. But all Pisces wants in return is equal treatment. And it can become a problem in their relationship.

Pisces’ biggest fear is that they won’t receive the same love and care in return that they have provided to their partner. They know how important it is to be there for each other, and they won't settle for anything less.

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Kelcey Connors is a writer who works primarily on quotes, entertainment, and zodiac articles. She's a graduate of Quinnipiac University.
