22 UBER-Romantic Love Quotes By Instagram’s Newest Poet
Love is all you need.

Instagram is chock-full of poets these days, sharing words on life and romance. With wordsmiths like Jessica Michelle on the site, along with other poets such as Cleo Wade and Christopher Poindexter, it isn't hard to see how a few minutes of checking out their pages can turn into hours of scrolling through their work.
Poetry has evolved since the days when Shakespeare was around, just like Jessica Michelle's poetry has evolved since she was a young girl. As she grew up, Jessica felt that poetry was an outlet that she could use to take her to a happier place; one that is full of love and acceptance.
A photo posted by j e s s i c a m i c h e l l e (@_jessica.michelle_) on Sep 3, 2016 at 9:25am PDT
And just by reading a few of her poems, you would agree with me when I say that her work is definitely something fantastical and dreamy.
Jessica Michelle isn't afraid to write about heartache either, but it's the way she writes about it that makes it feel like even the harshest truths still have a sense of romance to them.
Whether she's writing about the boy who fell in love with the girl or relating loving yourself to finding galaxies of stars within you, she reminds us all that romance is very much alive and that life isn't only beautiful when good things happen.
Jessica Michelle might not be a stranger to heartbreak, but just like us, she knows that good always comes out of the bad.
She believes that if she shares her words with people, she just might be able to touch lives and help someone love life a little bit more.
The following poems found on Instagram remind us that whether you are loving yourself or loving someone else, it is important to give love a fighting chance — especially in this world.
If you're searching for the best quotes and memes to share with the people you love (or just want to feel inspired yourself) ... look no further! From the sweetest love quotes, inspirational sayings, and hilarious friendship truths, we've got you covered.
"His skin met hers. And like wax dripping down a candle, she melted."
"She never gave up on love. Even when her world stood completely still, she was a believer. She could feel it deep within her bones. A quake was on its way."
"She gave into her heart. Finally realizing that her tears did more than carry her pain. They watered her soul."
"All I want is for someone to love me like they have never tasted the lips of another soul. Some might say that is too much to ask. But I know it is possible. That's the love I have for you."
"Eventually the moon realized that he too missed the warmth of the sun. And he could no longer live in the darkness."
"And while she never felt quite normal she was no where near crazy. She just loved too much. Choosing to see the savage world through her heart instead of her eyes."
"She wanted him to devour her soul. Like she was his favorite dessert. She wanted to be what he craved the most in life. Never growing tired of her taste. And always coming back for seconds."
"My head dropped from your shoulders. Finally finding a home on your chest. Nestled between your rib cage, I can hear your heart calling my name."
"Am I scared? Of course I am. A love like this doesn't do anything but make you want to hold on tighter. And I don't know if this will push you away or bring you closer to me."
"You are more than the air I breathe. You, my love, are why I'm still breathing."
"And if we ever come to a place where our hearts decide they can't meet, promise me you'll search for another path to lead you back to me."
"There are very few things I crave more than you reaching for me as you sleep."
"My world was beginning to spin. I couldn't tell up from down. And then I found him. Just in time. You see, his arms were the only things that helped me stay grounded."
"Don't tell me that your dreams are made of me. That you would search for me all night long. Tell me that your fingertips crave my skin. You wake up reaching for me. I don't want to be a forgotten fantasy. Let me be what chase when you are awake."
"She was drawn to him. The way his eyes danced with hers in the darkness. Like two shooting stars on the same path in the night sky. It was almost as if they were meant to be. If she believed in real love, this would be it."
"She found heaven in his eyes. And for the first time in a very long time, she could feel the stars within her begin to shine."
"Kiss my soul the way you would kiss my lips. Feed me words of a nectar sweeter than honey and I promise to stay at your side always."
"She held onto her heart like it was the last thing she had in this world. People would come and go. Love and heartache would do the same. Her heart was the only constant. And there was no way she was ever letting go."
"She decided that the only way to live was to find a galaxy of stars within herself."
"He put his drink down and asked her, "What do you want from me?' She stared at him. As if she could see right through him. "Kiss me," she began. "Kiss me the way the sun hits the water at sunset. Quietly. But with heat."
"His words were like fingertips tracing the curve of her hips. Everytime he took a breath, she stopped breathing. Waiting for poetry to start spilling from his lips. With each word that left his mouth, she could feel herself falling deeper and deeper under his spell. She was mesmerized. Lost in a trance she hoped she would never escape."
"It is the breaths that keep me going. Mine. Yours. Mine. Yours. Until we are in sync. Ours. Ours. Ours."