Pessimism Could Be Killing You — Here’s How To Crank Up The Sunshine
This is serious science, people!

If you've ever spent time with two people — one of whom approaches life from a positive perspective and another who approaches everything from the negative — it is easy to tell which is the happiest.
A person with a positive mind set, looks for things to be happy about, while the negative person considers himself or herself a realist closely analyzing every situation to see if there may be a hidden downside or a problem.
When you are looking to find those things that are wrong instead of focusing on what is already right, you make it impossible for yourself to enjoy life fully.
The results of a long-term study by the Mayo Clinic proved that optimists have a higher quality of life — as well as a lower risk of early death — than do pessimists. Positive people tend to be happier, sleep better, have higher self esteem, have stronger immunity systems, more greatly appreciate the small things in life, live longer and have more successful relationships than a negative person.
Your outlook on life not only affects your personal relationships and the extent to which you will be successful in your career, but it can literally affect how long you live!
The good news is, if you are open to changing your outlook on life, you absolutely can.
Here are 7 simple ways to increase your positive thinking and extend the length of your much happier life:
1. Repeating positive affirmations.
Every morning and evening spend time telling yourself positive affirmations as you look in the mirror.
2. Keeping a gratitude journal.
Each evening, journal things that you were grateful for or something you enjoyed during your day.
3. Practice daily meditation.
Spend time being quite and focus on your breathing, thinking positive happy thoughts and feeling peaceful and grateful.
4. Actively focus on making it happen.
Focus on manifesting good and positive things into your life.
5. Identify your positive energy "fountains" and "drains."
Surround yourself with people that are positive and have good energy, a fountain. Eliminate people from your life who drain you or create low self-esteem.
6. Keep your eyes — and your thoughts — on the good.
Look for all the small good things that happen in your life and the blessings in each day.
7. Explore the usefulness of hypnotherapy.
This is a very powerful tool for helping change pessimistic thinking or deep ingrained habits more easily if you are struggling.
Enacting these 7 positive changes in your life will have a positive effect on your relationships, your career and your health.
Choose a positive mind set, you are in control of how you think!
If you need help making that change contact Deni Abbie.