21 Love Quotes For When Everything Seems Totally HOPELESS

When everything seems hopeless, sometimes all we have are words.

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When I was ghosted by a boyfriend of six months it was a type of heartbreak I'd never experienced before. 

The idea that someone I loved would look at a text from me ("what time do you want to meet for dinner?") and decide to never acknowledge me again was so much more painful then him looking me square in the eye and saying that things weren't working out. 

There is no easy way to have your heart broken, but there are ways that are kinder than others. 


I nursed my wounds in a myriad of ways. I cried, I watched cartoons, I poured my heart out to my friends. I even took comfort in love quotes, that I hoped would put things in perspective. I found myself scrolling through Pinterest desperately looking for the right combination of words to make my hurt go away. 

While there wasn't one quote in particular that healed all of my heart, the collective effect that wave of words had on me is undeniable. 

The only thing that can fix a heart convinced that everything is hopeless is time. But reading love quotes like these made me feel a little less alone, and dang gum if that doesn't help too. 



If you're searching for the best quotes and memes to share with the people you love (or just want to feel inspired yourself) ... look no further! From the sweetest love quotes, inspirational sayings, and hilarious relationship truths, we've got you covered.

It's not your fault

love quotes

"People will leave you, but that doesn't mean it's your fault." 



love quotes

"Superheroes always have broken hearts and tragic back stories. So maybe I'm doing okay." 


A perfect puzzle

love quotes

"One day someone is going to hug you so tight, that all of your broken pieces will come back together again."


Stormy days

love quotes

"She was a storm, not the kind you run from, the kind you chase."


Love is an obstacle course

love quotes

"Sometimes the two people who are truly best for each other will have to face greater obstacles in order to be with each other."


No hero required

love quotes

"She didn't need to be saved, she needed to be found and appreciated for exactly who she was."



love quotes

"He broke down her walls without her even noticing. When he rebuilt the walls, he added windows to let the sunshine in."


Don't be another flower

love quotes

"I will not be another flower, picked for my beauty and left to die. I will be wild, difficult to find, and impossible to forget."


Love is messy

love quotes

"I love our story, sure it's messy, but it's the story that got us here." 


Thank the past

love quotes

"Pain makes you stronger, tears make you braver, and heartbreaks make you wiser, so thank the past for a better future."


That boy is poison.

love quotes

"Poisonous relationships can alter our perception. You can spend many years thinking you're worthless... but you're not worthless, you're unappreciated." 


Protect yourself

love quotes

"Words and hearts should be handled with care, for words when spoken and hearts when broken are the hardest things to repair."


Your heart is so big.

love quotes

"The biggest heart, carries the heaviest stories."



love quotes

"To heal a wound you need to stop touching it."


Broken things change

love quotes

"Hearts are breakable. And I think even when you heal, you're never what you were before."


A little humor, if you please.

love quotes

"Its better to have loved and lost than to live with an idiot for the rest of your life."



love quotes

"Controllers, abusers, and manipulative people don't question themselves. They don't ask themselves if the problem is them. They always say the problem is someone else." 


Rules to live by

love quotes

"I've endured this discomfort before and survived it, and so I can survive it today. I've felt these feelings before and sat with them, and so I can sit with them today. I've felt like giving in before and held onto hope, and so I can hold on today. I made it through yesterday and so I can also make it through today. I can do it. I will do it. I am doing it. I am strong and capable. I will not give up."


Hold on to yourself

love quotes

"People always think that the most painful thing in life is losing the one you value. The truth is, the most painful thing is losing yourself in the process of valuing someone too much and forgetting that you are special too."


The future will be tremendous

love quotes

"What happened in your past isn't nearly as important as what's promised in your future."


Live like royalty

love quotes

"Chin up princess, or else the crown slips." 
