15 Beautiful Ways To Reclaim Your Life When You Feel Broken

Start putting the pieces back together, one by one.

Depressed woman tries to find beautiful ways to reclaim her broken life. Antonio_Diaz | Canva

Whether dealing with a breakup, a job loss, or one of the dozen other life situations that can bring your whole world to a halt, it's important to remember that life is a series of ups and downs for all of us. Though it can feel isolating, the reality is that there isn't one among us who hasn't felt like we needed to get our life together or that we were "losing it" at some point.

If you're in this place now, take this as your sign to take a deep breath, take control, and move forward. Not sure how to be confident after feeling like you're falling apart? There are ways to start building self-esteem and putting the pieces back together. We got you.

Here are 15 beautiful ways to reclaim your life when you feel broken:

1. Stop using the word "broken"

happy woman Vinicius Wiesehofer / Pexels

Your words matter, especially when speaking to yourself. Instead of viewing yourself as "broken" or "lost" or whatever negative, self-defeating word comes to mind, recognize that you're strong enough to get out of a not-so-great place.

Research from 2021 states that negative self-talk is linked to depression and low self-esteem. It's less about what you are than where you are, and that is an important distinction when looking to make real progress.

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2. Make a list of the things you need to stop doing

man writing a list RDNE Stock project / Pexels

What good is a fantastic new habit if you're still participating in one that negates it? Think about it for a moment: hitting the gym every morning and eating half a cake at night isn't going to do much for your efforts. The same goes for everything else in your life.

Make a list of the things you do that stand in your way and commit to replacing those knee-jerk habits with something else. Once you have a plan, you can then focus on what you need to start doing.


3. Stop hating yourself

man looking in mirror Tima Miroshnichenko / Pexels

Decide to be an observer in your life instead of judging everything so harshly. Instead of lamenting the things you have done wrong, be grateful for a new perspective and the freedom of accountability and start focusing on extracting the lessons and finding healthy ways to do better.


4. Change the conversation

friends laughing cottonbro studio / Pexels

It's tempting to sit and rehash the same stories over and over, but our words become our mantra, and saying how unhappy, broken, or miserable you are will only reinforce your sense of helplessness. Try using more positive and powerful words, and you'll find that you not only feel better, but the world will respond to you differently.

5. Surround yourself with warriors

friends outside laughing RDNE Stock project / Pexels

Misery might love company, but do you want to spend the rest of your life hanging out with people who only reinforce the idea that you're a victim with no personal power? That answer should be no. Surround yourself with people who have a "can-do" attitude toward adversity and you'll likely not only feel motivated but learn very practical ways to make adjustments in your own life.

RELATED: 20 Tiny Habits That Hold You Back From The Life You Deserve


6. Get a sponsor

man with his sponsor Helena Lopes / Pexels

Ask a trusted friend, family member, or therapist to check in and hold you accountable for meeting your goals each week. Maybe that means you set three goals and then share how you met them or what held you back, or perhaps it's texting a friend instead of an ex. Whatever it is, having someone to check in with can help bring awareness into moments where it feels like you're drowning.

7. Do some real research

man doing research Buro Millennial / Pexels

It's a cliched expression, but knowledge is power. Having a real understanding of what you're going through can help you feel less isolated and give you perspective when triggered to go down an old path. 

For example, reading the science behind a breakup and how it impacts your brain can help you understand why your ex's ghosting hurts so bad (thus making you less likely to personalize it or compulsively reach out), and reading up on something like repetition compulsion can put behavior into perspective.


8. Take care of yourself

woman doing self-care KoolShooters / Pexels

Small steps in self-care can go a long way in building self-image and boosting confidence. Give yourself an at-home facial while listening to your favorite album, buy yourself a floral plant to boost your mood each time you see it, or invite friends to an impromptu group brunch to bring some happy socialization into your life. Taking care of yourself, as research from 2021 confirms, can help reduce your stress and increase your happiness levels.

9. Practice mindfulness

man practicing mindfulness Kelvin Valerio / Pexels

Living in the moment isn't easy when the past is yanking you backward and the future is scaring you. Meditation, yoga, breathing techniques, and books like A New Earth: Awakening Your Life's Purpose can all help to retrain an overactive brain.


10. Keep a diary

woman writing in diary cottonbro studio / Pexels

Start and end each day with a few lines and see what comes out. There's a good chance you'll not only quiet the noise but also gain real insight into how you're really feeling. It's also a great way to set an intention each morning and measure progress over time.

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11. Verbalize your gratitude

family practicing gratitude Angela Roma / Pexels

Take some time every morning to state (aloud) three things you are grateful for and then commit to letting someone in your life know what you appreciate about them every day. Gratitude makes us feel abundant and joyful, which makes it much harder to obsess about what we don't have.


12. Serve others

woman helping friend with clothes Julia M Cameron / Pexels

Maybe it's volunteering at an organization or offering to watch a newborn while a frazzled new mom gets a massage. It could be as simple as asking a colleague if you can get them a cup of coffee. The more we give, the more in sync with the world we feel.


13. Create a space that supports the life you want

woman in bedroom Vlada Karpovich / Pexels

Have you ever noticed that you become agitated in large crowds or more carefree and relaxed when walking in the sand on the beach? It's an undeniable fact that we are impacted by our environment, which is good news for those of us who want to make a fresh start. A fresh coat of paint, a new piece of artwork, or a renovated bedroom or home office can be just what you need to get into a new mental space.


14. Commit to being compassionate to everyone

woman helping man Antoni Shkraba / Pexels

I can tell you, as a New Yorker, that this one is hard (have you met our cab drivers or dealt with our tourists in midtown?). By committing to compassion, you will gain an understanding of your default emotions and begin to take real ownership of your energy. Before you know it, you will be more forgiving of the new (and horrifically slow) checkout clerk and see your own stumbles as a part of the natural progress of human development.

15. Accept that your life doesn't have to be perfect to be great

smiling woman Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

There's a real power in progress and it's important to celebrate all of your movement toward your goal. Every moment you choose better for yourself is a success, and though you may not be where you want to be, it doesn't mean you need to ignore how far you have come.

RELATED: 8 Uncomfortable Signs You're About To Be Genuinely Happy With Your Life

Brenda Della Casa is a writer, journalist, speaker, strategist, author of Cinderella Was a Liar, and founder of LoolaBee. Her bylines have appeared on Medium, PopSugar, Huffington Post, Glamour, Thrillist, Thought Catalog, and Allure.
