Why Making Your Bed Every Morning Will DRAMATICALLY Change Your Life
This actually makes a lot of sense.

I live by a few success principles. "Finish what you started" is one of them. If you make your bed in the morning, it gives you a feeling of accomplishment and completion. You signal to your brain that you finished sleeping and are now moving into a new state: being active and awake.
I suddenly feel organized and in control. Those two minutes set the tone for the rest of the day. It may be small, but it's powerful.
My second success principle is "Always stay in a positive state of mind." I'd like you to recall how you feel when you stay at a hotel. You enter the room and it's tidy. It smells good, and right away your mood elevates. You look forward to getting into the nicely made bed and getting under the white sheets.
You can create this mood at home every day. When I make the bed in the morning, I like to spray lavender perfume on my sheets. I enjoy the smell of lavender again when I get into bed. That activates my olfactory senses and makes me smile. In the world of uncertainty where everything can go wrong and schedules can change every hour, it provides me with the feeling of confidence. I know I will come home at night and the bed will be made.
"Create routines and good habit sequences" is the third principle. I believe in stalking my habits and creating a chain of positive actions that trigger one another.
My current evening routine looks something like this: I take off my makeup, take a shower, brush my teeth, floss, take my evening vitamins, clean up my room, reflect on my day, see how I could have been more productive, make a list for tomorrow, review all I have learned during the day, read a good biography, get into bed and fall asleep.
I created this sequence to make sure I took off my makeup every night and applied night cream. When I took my makeup off, I found a waxed thread on the counter and began to floss. I added habits one after another, which created a subtle involuntary sequence of events. I don't have to think about it; I just get it done.
You can do the same with making the bed. Once you get in the habit of making it every morning, you can start adding other things to it.
For example, take a moment to look around your room and pick up a few clothes. You'll spend about a minute putting away a few items and be wowed that it didn't take much time at all.
Making the bed in the morning can become a trigger for your morning routine. Make the bed, stretch, drink herbal tea, meditate, journal, exercise, look at your to-do list. It's your call.