Watch This Lady Crush 3 Huge Melons Between Her Thighs In Seconds


Watch This Lady Crush 3 Huge Melons Between Her Thighs Ronald J Rathbun / Shutterstock

The next time that you even think about criticizing a woman based on her thighs, we suggest that you really don't.

Do you want to know why? Because she can crush your head with them just as easily.

In 2015, 30-year-old Olga Liaschuk from the Ukraine appeared on the British show This Morning, as part of a segment to celebrate the release of the 2016 Guinness Book of World Records, which was in its 62nd year at the time.


And she let the world be witness to her one-of-a-kind talent.

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Liaschuk and other record-breakers were featured on the show.

So, what is her record-breaking talent, you ask? 

Well, Liaschuk currently holds the world record for being able to break fruit with her legs in the fastest amount of time.


And we're not talking apples, oranges, and bananas here. Oh, no. Liaschuk uses her thighs to crush watermelons.

Yes, a whole watermelon! It's incredible. No wonder the Guiness World Records wanted to feature her. 

And it's not just one watermelon. In her appearance on This Morning, she crushed three huge watermelons in only 14 seconds, right in front of the astounded TV hosts and the audience.  

They watched as Liaschuk crushed each watermelon with ease. In addition to their amazement, the hosts were armed with jokes about the incredible spectacle.


Holly Willoughby commented, "Maybe Jamie Oliver could rustle up something with the leftovers," to which the other host, Phillip Schofield, said, "That’s the gift that keeps on giving that one, isn’t it?"

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The Twitter world also lit up with their astonishment and admiration over Liaschuk's impressive feat, basically crowning her as their new Wonder Woman.

"Did I actually just see a woman squash a watermelon with her thighs on TV?!?! Daytime TV is on the up," wrote one user. Another wrote, "Watching a woman crush a watermelon with her bare thighs on @itvthismorning is probably the highlight of my week."


As it turns out, the Guiness World Records are actually pretty much watermelon aficionados.

They have plenty of world records dedicated to what was once just a warm weather fruit staple.

In addition to Liaschuk's remarkable talent, there are also watermelon records for the following: the most watermelons crushed with the head, the heaviest watermelon, the farthest distance for watermelon seed spitting, and here's the, um, most interesting one, the most watermelons chopped in one minute on the stomach on a bed of nails. Yikes. 


And just when you thought that the guy who skinned a watermelon was impressive? Sorry, but we think Ms. Liaschuk and the other watermelon record holders might have you beat. 

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Caithlin Pena is an editor for YourTango who enjoys books, movies, and writes about astrology and lifestyle topics.

Editor's Note: This article was originally posted in September 2015 and was updated with the latest information.