New Alabama Law Will Allow Children To Have Handguns
Kids can't vote, but they can own guys. #TodayInAlabama

Which of these aren't real laws in Alabama?
- It's illegal to wear a fake mustache that causes laughter in church.
- Boogers may not be flicked into the wind.
- You may not have an ice cream cone in your back pocket at any time.
- Putting salt on a railroad track may be punishable by death.
- It's legal to drive the wrong way down a one-way street if you have a lantern attached to the front of your automobile.
If you think any of these aren't real laws, you're wrong. Every single one of these is a real law in Alabama.
Obviously, not all laws make sense, and in some cases, laws don't help protect its citizens because they're just plain stupid.
Sometimes, lawmakers try to remedy the situation and work to overturn bad laws. And then there are other who work to make bad laws even worse.
Alabama has a lot of wacky laws, their gun laws in particular. Their gun laws are pretty loose as it is, so it's not surprising that an amendment has been proposed to allow minors to acquire their own pistols.
Currently, the law states that no person my deliver a pistol to any person under the age of 18. State senators Arthur Orr, Greg Reed, and Clay Scofield (all Republicans) want the law changed to allow all minors to have pistols, but only if they get permission from a parent, guardian or spouse who is 18 or older.
It isn't that the Alabama lawmakers want to legalize kids running all around their neighborhoods with guns blazing; the bill adds that the minor can only have the pistol if accompanied by an adult, or if the minor is doing gun-related activities like hunting, trapping, target shooting or competing in a firearm competition. In which case, his gun is his to use as he pleases.
But wait, that's not all. The amendment would also let minors carry a handgun on them, as long as they remain on their parent or guardian's (and I'm guessing their spouse's) property.
Yikes. I was at first taken aback at the thought of a child owing any kind of gun, and then I found out that Alabama isn't alone in this.
There are 29 more states where a child can still legally own a rifle or a shotgun — just not a handgun.
A kid can't just walk into a gun show and buy themselves a gun; they need to be at least 18 years old. But if his parents want to give their son a rifle or a shotgun on his 13th or 14th birthday, they're pretty much free to do that in most states.
Alabama would also like to remove record keeping requirements for gun dealers — removing the tedious act of keeping permanent records of the sale of every pistol, revolver, or silencer, and the date of sale, serial number, or other identifying marks, manufacturer's name, caliber and type, and the name and address of the person buying the gun.
This certainly wouldn't be helpful in solving crimes and capturing perps. I can almost hear the weeping of writers from any procedural dramas. The truly scary thing is that having a gun in the home is responsible for the vast majority of children killed by firearms.
It's perfectly legal in many states for children to shoot guns of all types at shooting ranges. One Texas gun range even has special rooms for children's birthday party. You read that right: CHILDREN'S birthday parties!
By giving children easier access to guns, Alabama lawmakers are putting a greater number of children, and adults in the line of fire.