GROSS! 10 Celebrities Who Are SUPER Homophobic

These stars either hate or can't stand the LGBTQ community.

Kirk Cameron from Saving Christmas Provident Films

I think we sometimes forget that celebrities are still people. The thing about people is that some of us are pretty awful. It's not always obvious, and that's when we run into problems. Sometimes, someone can be talented, charismatic, and goodlooking (which makes them a popular celebrity), but still be kind of a bad person. Maybe not even a bad person, sometimes they can just be an ignorant doofus who doesn't think nice things about people.


Over the last decade or so, gay rights have come a long way. While it's great to celebrate each victory towards equality, it becomes harder and harder to remember that there are still people out there who still have, ahem, "old fashioned" views about gay people. Whether it's just in the language they use, jokes that they make, or absolutely horrifying beliefs, there are still plenty of homophobic people out there.

Sometimes, someone can become famous before showing their true colors. Other times, they became famous during a different time period, where it was still acceptable to say certain things about certain people. Everything is fine until they open their mouths, and then everyone is reminded  that, "Oh yeah, you're kind of a monster." Here are 10 celebrities who come across as homophobic.


1. Alec Baldwin

Alec Baldwin from The Departed Warner Bros.

Alec Baldwin usually seems like a nice guy, but every once in a while he snaps and things get weird. There's been more than one occasion where he's gotten into trouble for using anti-gay insults during arguments. The last time even cost him his late night news show.


2. Iggy Azalea

Iggy Azalea from Fancy Vevo

While she was at one point scheduled to headline the Pittsburgh Pride Festival, Iggy Azalea had to cancel because of some tweets from a few years ago in which she made fun of gay people. Her initial defense was that those jokes were only meant for friends and family, which is not actually that great of a defense at all. She later apologized, but the damage was done.


3. Kid Rock

Kid Rock from Facebook Facebook

Kid Rock is an ordained minister, and he's said that he doesn't look forward to marrying gay people. He did say that he's not opposed to performing the ceremony, so there's at least that. Also, Kid Rock is an ordained minister?! Are people out there actually hiring Kid Rock to marry them? I'm way more upset about that.


4. Charlie Sheen

Charlie Sheen from Anger Management Lionsgate Television

Charlie Sheen is a complicated guy. A few years ago, at the opening of a bar, he got in trouble for calling one of the patrons an anti-gay slur. He claimed he meant to say the word "maggot," but that doesn't help things much. Later on, however, Sheen did go on a Twitter rant against Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson and his anti-gay comments. Charlie Sheen is a mystery.


5. Paris Hilton

Paris Hilton from House of Wax Warner Brothers Pictures

Paris Hilton was once caught on tape saying that most gay guys in internet dating apps probably have AIDS. She didn't say it in a concerned way, either. It wasn't like she was looking out for their safety in her own dumb way.


6. Mel Gibson

Mel Gibson from Signs Touchstone Pictures

Mel Gibson has some weird, old fashioned religious beliefs. At this point, it'd be surprising if he hadn't said anything homophobic.


7. 50 Cent

50 Cent from Get Rich or Die Tryin' MTV Films

50 Cent, a rapper who was once a big deal, once joked about shooting up a gay wedding and how men who don't perform oral sex on women should kill themselves. He didn't use that exact language, and his grammar was much worse.


8. Isaiah Washington

Isaiah Washington from Grey's Anatomy ABC Studios

Once a cast member on Grey's Anatomy, Isaiah Washington was fired for using a gay slur in reference to gay cast mate. First, he came under fire for using it on set, but then he decided to double down and say it in front of a bunch of reporters at the 2006 Golden Globes. It only took him losing his job and essentially being blacklisted to realize he should just stop saying that particular word.


9. Phil Robertson

Phil Robertson from Duck Dynasty A+E Networks

In the least surprising turn of events ever, Phil Robertson from Duck Dynasty isn't very open-minded. He's a Bible quoting Christian, and he considers homosexuality a sin. Also, his beard probably smells like feet, so maybe we shouldn't care about his opinion.


10. Kirk Cameron

Kirk Cameron from Saving Christmas Provident Pictures

Unsurprisingly, Kirk Cameron thinks homosexuality is unnatural and destructive. He also once tried to use a banana to prove that evolution isn't real, so let's let's stop paying attention to anything he says or does.
