10 Brutal Truths About Having Sex With A Scorpio (As Written By One)

Brace yourself for some seriously hot stuff.

Scorpio couple in bed Dean Drobot / Shutterstock

Scorpios, born between October 23 and November 22, have an unfair rap for a lot of things, like being the zodiac sign most associated with demonic possessions and serial killers. (Yes, really.) However, Scorpios may just deserve the reputation they have for being the sexiest sign of the zodiac.

Sex with a Scorpio is different from sex with any other sign, because passion is their thing. But it's not all sunshine and rainbows, and whips and chains; in fact, if Scorpio's intensity is not reciprocated, they can become incredibly obsessive.

There's no doubt that Scorpio is a force to be reckoned with, especially intimately.

Why are Scorpios so good in bed?

Not only does Scorpio rule the genitals, but their libido is continous and powerful. And while Scorpios are known for being freaks in the sheets, it's part of the reason why they make excellent lovers — they are always open to experimentation and a transformative encouter.

Passionate, intense, mysterious and emotional, Scorpio is incredibly gifted sexually, enjoys taking control in the bedroom, is curious about new ways of finding pleasure for themselves and their partners, and is creative to a fault.


RELATED: The Zodiac Sign You'll Have The Best Sex With

They don't usually find themselves in one-night stands or casual sex, so when Scorpio forms a strong bond with a partner, they are not shy about seeking fulfillment.

Here are 10 truths about having sex with a Scorpio.

1. Scorpios have an endless sex drive.

If you have a Scorpio Sun sign, and are born between October 23 and November 21, no matter what your age or gender, you will have the libido of a somewhat perverted 15-year-old boy.


If you're with a Scorpio, he or she will be ready and willing whenever you are. Unless you make them angry, in which case, join the witness protection program and hope for the best.

2. Scorpio is incredibly magnetic.

With Scorpio, resistance is futile. Sure, you might try to fight it, but don't bother because their magnetism is undeniable.

If a Scorpio wants you, you will want them back. It may not always happen at the right time, but it always will happen. You may as well give in when the going's good.

3. Scorpios are be able to take cues well — if they even need any.

Scorpio will generally have an almost sixth sense about what you want and need in bed, quite possibly knowing even more about your carnal desires than you do.


Don't look a gift horse in the mouth (or any other orifice), just appreciate it and try your best to reciprocate.

4. Expect Scorpio to take any and all sexual encounters very seriously.

For as ferocious a sex drive as Scorpios have, don't expect them to put out just because you want them to. They're picky about partners and don't trust easily, so if they're letting you in and allowing you to penetrate all the walls they put up, they'll want to feel safe and secure afterward.

Whether or not a Scorpio says so, he or she wants to cuddle and hear from you post-coitus.

5. Scorpio rules the genitals.

Seriously. Every zodiac sign has a body part or region, and this is Scorpio's. Trust us, it's appropriate.


RELATED: Scorpio Compatibility In Love, Sex & Relationships

6. You can't shock a Scorpio.

They've either already done it or at least thought about whatever weird activity you may want to spring on them. As a result, even if he or she isn't into a particular sexual practice, you won't be judged for wanting to try it.

If Christian Grey rolled up, Scorpio would just glance over his playroom and paperwork and be like, "Okay, and?"

7. Don't expect a friends with benefits situation to work with a Scorpio.

As much as Scorpios enjoy sex, a friends with benefits arrangement will never work, no matter how hard they both try and insist that it will. Scorpio will either get too obsessive or their hook-up partner will (because they're that good).


If you're not after something serious, expect mutual resentment if it goes south or if you play around with other partners.

8. Scorpios never kiss and tell.

This zodiac sign is fiercely private. They expect the same respect and discretion from you, or else good luck getting into bed with them again.

9. Scorpios always come prepared.

Because they are used to getting what they want and are, essentially, sex on wheels, Scorpio is always ready whenever sex is going to happen.


Scorpio will always have a condom handy an will insist their partner uses it because, well... they don't like weird rashes, nor do most of us want anything to do with children.

10. Sex with a Scorpio is the best you will ever have.

Scorpios get a lot of guff for being moody and obsessive, but guess where that comes in handy? The boudoir.

Because Scorpio is obsessed with sex, they are constantly, in some way, immersed in it, and are masters of it. (Take several seats, Dr. Kinsey.)

RELATED: The Sex Position That Turns You On Most, Based On Your Zodiac Sign


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Alex Alexander is a blogger for YourTango who has written extensively on relationships, astrology, and lifestyle topics.
