Lacking Happiness? Learn How To Heal ALL The Pain In Your Life
A spiritual practice can eliminate the need for healing.

The bright new growth of the spring season has me thinking about renewal, happiness and healing. What is healing, really? How do we heal? Why do we need healing at all?
We've all heard stories of seemingly miraculous healings. Tumors shrinking, cancers disappearing and people confined to wheelchairs walking again.
There is even a famous church in my home state of New Mexico called Santuario de Chimayo, known as the "Lourdes of the Southwest," where crutches and casts of the reputedly cured line the walls.
Pattern Of Perfection
The great healers of the ages, like Jesus and Mary Magdalene, for example, and the masters of the East, knew and taught that healing happens first in the mind and the heart.
They healed by holding their attention in unwavering unity with Source until others met them there. In that sense "the other" was ultimately healing himself/herself, and healing became an act of self-empowerment.
The need for healing exists because we have bought into the idea of separation—from Spirit, each other, and our own higher selves. Now more than ever we have access to many excellent alternative healing modalities, several of which I have experienced and practice. Yet someday we will no longer need them.
We can heal ourselves on all levels—physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually—by holding that unwavering pattern of perfection within our minds and hearts. It is, after all, who we truly are at our core—perfect, divine beings of infinite potential.
Longing For Wholeness
When we move beyond separation into unity consciousness, we will not only heal ourselves, we will become a healing force for others through our very presence. We will be free of all forms of sickness, disease and suffering, according to (the radically transformative) A Course in Miracles:
"Yet sickness is not of the body but of the mind. All forms of sickness are signs that the mind is split and does not accept a unified purpose. All sickness comes from separation. When the separation is denied, it goes.
"The acceptance of sickness as a decision of the the basis of healing. One need but say, 'There is no gain at all to me in this' and he is healed."
The Course in Miracles also says, "All healing involves replacing fear with love."
The urge to heal and be healed is really a longing for wholeness. We become whole when we truly learn how to love—in the universal sense, where all boundaries disappear, and we merge with "the other," become "the other." Ultimately, healing is love.
Healing Resources
In addition to A Course in Miracles, here are some of my favorite books about healing:
Power vs. Force by David R. Hawkins
Healing and Recovery by David R. Hawkins
Life Beyond 100: Secrets of the Fountain of Youth by Norman C. Shealy
50 Secrets of the World's Longest Living People by Sally Beare
There are two modules devoted to healing in my online audio course, Awakening the Mystic Within: A Course in Self Mastery for Higher Living, an initiation into the secret teachings of the ages.
It was, in fact, one of my healing clients who inspired this course. Additional topics range from the Egyptian Mysteries and alchemy to the Holy Grail, Eastern mysticism, and more.
What people are saying about Awakening the Mystic Within:
"These teachings and tools have taken me to a new level of spiritual embodiment and enabled me to live more deeply and fully. I have a more powerful vision of who I am and what I can become. Perfect for the modern mystic!" —VJ, New Mexico.
"I felt a poignant change in my physical body after I listened to the first module of Awakening the Mystic Within. I was experiencing some severe pain in my lower back which seemed to have dissipated. I was walking this morning and on the way practiced your meditation. Amazing!"—Bonny M., Atlanta.
(This course includes twelve 90-120 minute downloadable MP3 audio modules with in-depth esoteric content, experiential practices, and energy transmissions, along with reading lists and a private phone call with me.) For more details visit this website.