9 WTF Facts About Pubic Hair We Bet You Never Knew


WTF Facts about pubic hair

Pubic hair is a pretty polarizing issue. The purpose of pubic hair remains a mystery and yet we spend a whole lot of time trying to figure out what to do about it. While some women maintain a "full bush," others enjoy a landing strip and some of us go bare. What we choose to do about our pubic hair is often intimately related to our own beauty preferences.

However, many of us have our reasons, too, which include but aren't limited to: feeling cleaner, smoother, and maybe even more sensitive when we have less hair! And as decades pass, trends often determine a major change in how women (or men) groom their pubic hair.


So what IS the deal with pubic hair? For real, we weren't that sure ourselves so we found out the most WTF facts about pubic hair to satisfy your curiosity. 

1. Nobody's exactly sure why we have pubes.

Nobody's exactly sure why we have pubes.

1. Nobody's exactly sure why we have pubes.

After millions of years on this planet, we're still not quite sure why we have pubic hair. However, most sources agree that pubic hair relates to pheromones. According to Madeleine Castellanos, MD., pheromones are scents that the body produces that may attract a mate.

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2. It may be cushion against friction that causes skin abrasion.

It may be cushion against friction that causes skin abrasion.

2. It may be cushion against friction that causes skin abrasion.

In addition to providing protection from bacteria.

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3. Waxing is less painful after your period.

Waxing is less painful after your period.

3. Waxing is less painful after your period.

Hair removal i.e. waxing is less painful the week after your period, says Castellanos. We tend to be super sensitive in the days leading up to and during our period, but less sensitive (i.e. higher pain threshold) in the few days to follow.

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4. We transfer pubic hair during sex.

We transfer pubic hair during sex.

4. We transfer pubic hair during sex.

Here's a reason to shave that bush, and ask him to do the same! A study  reveals that some pubic hair is tranferred to our partner during sex (as if that's the only thing!).

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5. The curtains don't always match the rug.

The curtains don't always match the rug.

5. The curtains don't always match the rug.

Pubic hair may vary in color from hair on scalp ... why is this? Well, hair color is determined by our melanin and that amount can range from one part of our body to another!

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6. In the Victorian era, women wore wigs on their vaginas.

In the Victorian era, women wore wigs on their vaginas.

6. In the Victorian era, women wore wigs on their vaginas.

Wait. what?

(Yes, you read correctly). Back during the Victorian era, a lot of women shaved their lady bits in order to prevent lice infestations (Um, ew?!). Many of these women would invest in a Merkin — a pubic hair WIG. Interestingly, to this day, the ladies of the porn industry where Merkins as well; this is in order to cover their genitals during intimate scenes. (Modesty, y'all!).

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7. Sexually active people are more likely to shave their pubes.

Sexually active people are more likely to shave their pubes.

7. Sexually active people are more likely to shave their pubes.

Sexually active people are more likely to remove pubic hair than those who aren't having sex, says Castellanos. 

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8. American women spend $23K on waxing over a lifetime.

American women spend $23K on waxing over a lifetime.

8. American women spend $23K on waxing over a lifetime.

American women who wax spend an average of twenty-three thousand dollars on hair removal over the course of a lifetime, says Castellanos. Ouch! That's a steep price to pay for a little T.L.C., but I suppose it comes with the territory. And if it's in the name of beauty, then to hell with it.

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9. A form of ID

A form of ID

9. A form of ID

How wild is this? Our prehistoric ancestors didn’t run by the same age of consent laws we do. The appearance of pubic and other body hair was one of the ways to show that you were sexually mature. "Pubic hair also tends to get thinner when you are past your childbearing years; another way to indicate age and fertility," says Katrina "Rainsong" Messenger.

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