I Provide Erotic "Happy Ending" Massages To Women For A Living
My erotic massages help women who are in sex-deprived marriages — or simply want a release.

Erotic happy ending massage stories are pretty common — a mixture of truth, half-truth and urban legend that captivates the imagination of men, even in this age of casual sex and unlimited Internet porn. Most of these stories are about women providing such services to men as the high point of a massage.
According to IBIS World, there are an estimated 21,000 spas in the US where a predominantly female clientele spend over $10 billion dollars annually in services. These women average over 110 million visits per year, so it's not surprising that juicy tales of women receiving happy ending massages are increasing.
The truth of the matter is far more women receive erotic or sensual massages than the public is aware of.
Some women are seduced by the massage process and decide to have an erotic experience then and there while others set out to find a place where they can get a happy ending. Some women present themselves as "ripe and ready" for an explicitly erotic experience by indicating their desire through body language and other thinly-veiled alluring behaviors.
I know this because I'm a male, sex-positive pleasure provider and I facilitate happy endings for women for a living.
My experience in this field spans several years. It started when I was a massage therapist and found that several of my female clients, most between 19 and 49 years old, indicated to me that they wanted something more than a regular massage.
One of my first surprises was from Ali*, 22, from Maine. It was a hot spring day and she visited for a deep-tissue massage because of college term tension. After the initial intake procedure, I informed her about the standard options for the massage session. I left the room and returned a few minutes later to find her lying on her back, uncovered, with a suppressed smile on her face, her perky breasts and nipples fully exposed.
Obviously, this was not one of the massage "options" I gave her and I was a bit taken aback and asked if she wanted the massage uncovered. She said that's what she prefers so I proceeded the massage session as she liked it but asked her to lie face-down and placed a hand towel over her midsection.
By the middle of the massage, she was perceptibly moving her body and making low erotic noises. I fed her lascivious desires with slow, deep, long-flowing strokes, teasingly caressing her erogenous parts from her head to feet, my intuitive hands responding as her body throbbed with libido, a libido that was obviously looking for some kind of climatic expression. After an hour, she turned face-up.
Not surprisingly, there was a wet spot where her mid-body was, on the black silky cotton sheet that covered the massage couch.
Her perky breasts and nipples looked like they were bursting with pleasure, firm like pink grapefruits. Ali was ready to climax. As inexperienced as I was at the time, I assumed she wanted intercourse and was about to oblige when she firmly took my hand and indicated she wanted a digital orgasm. (The phrase "happy ending" was not yet in vogue.)
Almost two hours had passed, and she had a huge orgasm and she left me with a surprisingly big tip for a college student. My career as a provider of happy ending/pleasure for women had just begun.
Over the next several years, I had many more experiences of women indicating in different ways that they wanted to engage their feminine sexual energy in the massage session. These women do not fit any stereotype and came (no pun intended) from a broad social spectrum in more or less within the age group I mentioned above.
Katie* was 34, of Italian/German background, and came in because of back pain and tension headaches. It turned out she was in a relationship with a guy who never took the time to really explore and appreciate her physical needs and desires. She came in for a 90-minute massage and I attended to all the tight and sore places on her neck and back.
After the first sixty minutes, Katie's body started to signal her sexual center. There's something about extended touch and caress that tends to release the most potent chemicals of the sexual centers of a woman who's in need of physical and emotional attention.
By the end of the session it was clear she was enjoying the touch experience beyond its remedial value; Katie desperately wanted to orgasm. She apologized and asked if she could masturbate. I offered to help and she quickly asked me to suck and gently bite her hard, brown nipples while she stroked her clitoris to an explosive orgasm.
After a few years of increasing occasional request from women for erotic massage, I decided to give up my massage practice and focus exclusively on providing pleasure for women.
I have learned a lot about the art of erotic touch.
I actually hate the term "happy ending." It's a vulgar, cheap phrase suited for the sleazy "massage parlors" that cater to men who are looking for a quickie in 15-, 30- and 60-minute sessions.
And from what I understand of the female psyche, most women find the "happy ending" model of an erotic engagement outside of a romantic relationship to be repellent.
As a matter of fact, "repellent" was the exact word Laura* used to describe "happy ending" massages when she called to make an appointment for my 90-minute erotic body rub.
Laura was a former corporate executive, 39, married with 2 kids. She was a woman with much passion for life but still trying to find her own grounds about her sexuality and her right to enjoy gratification that she wasn't getting from her husband of 12 years.
She confided that "he finds my breasts and vagina very easily, sometimes I let him have his way, much to my dismay, despite my pleas that I need more than his cock inside of me for a few minutes."
On the day she called me, Laura was still ambivalent about the "adventure" she was contemplating but ultimately went for it due to her sexual deprivation that was slowly killing her soul, body, and mind.
She needed to feel, she said. I rubbed her irresistible light brown body until she was relaxed and receptive and my intuitive hands were in sync with the deep desires that welled up inside her. I teased every hot spot on her body until she was saturated inside out with love hormones and viscous tasty juices.
It was over two hours of unconditional erotic touching when she broke out in spasmodic vibrations and intense writhing until she climaxed with a suppressed roar from deep inside her and finally rested in a comfortable snuggled position until she was back to earth again.
There are many more juicy stories but the point is that "happy endings" for women are sex-positive and a great learning experience that can benefit marriages.
In fact, one of my clients even told me her husband announced to his friends that, "This is the massage guy who prepared my wife for me the other night. We had the best sex together in several years. I don't know what his magic is but when she got home that night, she came at me like a wild animal."
*All names have been changes to protect the privacy of individuals.
Bo Alexis is a male, sex-positive pleasure provider.