8 Crazy Vagina Accessories You Won't Believe Are Real

Girl power!

vagina accessories

It's often said that men have their brain between their legs — but the truth is as women, we aren't all that different. What goes on with our vagina is on our mind a heck of a lot, and it may as well be reflected in the accessories we buy! We scoured the Internet for some interesting vagina-centric accessories and our MINDS. WERE. BLOWN. There's some really crazy stuff out there!

But before you get all judgemental, remember — phallic jewlery ain't exactly scarce, either! And if Rihanna can have a penis purse, why can't we have a special pouch? So get out your holiday gift list because you'll definitely be adding a vulvette iPhone case (it comes in hot pink!) this year for you or your BFF. No judgment.

1. Original Vagina Pouch


We like to think our lady parts are our most valuable possession – but we also love to keep our other valuables (ie: phone, keys, wallet) safe and secure – may as well make their “homes” look compatible, like with this original vagina pouch!

Available here


2. Perfect Vagina Earrings


Next time someone calls you the C-word, show them these earrings. And then kick their ass.

Available here


3. Knit Vagina Slippers


These vagina slippers are hand-knit and made to order, just like the mittens grandma used to make — though we’re pretty sure she’d never make these!

Available here


4. Vagina Fanny Purse


We used to be all about fanny packs at summer camp in the 90s but they never looked quite like this one!

Available here


5. Vulvette Smartphone Sleeve


Nothing turns you on like your new iPhone, right? Somehow that makes this vulva smartphone sleeve rather appropriate…

Available here


6. Sterling Silver Vagina Earrings


There’s a fair amount of mature content jewelry out there, but a lot of it is made to be novelty. Show you are precious with these sterling silver vagina earrings!

Available here


7. Anatomical Earrings


That said, maybe you want your vagina earrings to be anatomically correct— right down to their pink blush shade!

Available here


8. Vagina Love T-shirt


But whatever your favorite vagina accessory, it’s all about loving our vagina, and this t-shirt shows it loud and proud!

Available here.
