5 Types Of Foreplay That REALLY Turn Women On (Guys, Take Notes!)
This is how to get a woman revved up.

You finally get that hombre you desire alone. You are thirsty and he's the only thing that can quench your thirst. Until he kills it and fumbles his way up and down your body. Chico, que te pasa? Don't you know how to get a woman revved up?
Some men really don't.
It's called foreplay, fellas, and most if not all women desire it before sex. Even if it's a quickie, women need to be turned on before getting it on.
Also, according to relationship and sex coach Patricia Johnson, "Sexual desire in women frequently is experienced concurrently with arousal, not as a precursor to it. In long-term relationships, waiting to have sex until you feel desire is a very bad idea. And foreplay is, in fact, a technique for creating desire."
In layman's terms: foreplay leads to her wanting you and your penis.
What foreplay for women moves should men work before sex? Here's what a few Latinas had to say.
1. Kissing and caressing
It begins with a kiss. That's what Yvette from Atlanta said. She's big on smooching and even demands her hubby to brush his teeth before any tongue action. "Kissing doesn't even need to lead to sex," she says.
Wait, what? Yes, seriously! Sometimes a gal just wants to be kissed.
Another chica always needs to be kissed and caressed before sex. "I like to start slow with like tap kisses then build the moment up with like a makeout session," she said. "Then get kisses on my neck and then boob action and then boom! Sex!" Sounds about right. And hot.
2. Boob action
Kiss 'em, lick 'em, suck 'em: no matter what your preferred method is, many women like to have their breasts and nipples fondled and teased. But for the love of all that is sexy, don't twist 'em! Our breasts are sensitive so men don't need to do much to turn them (and us) on.
Also, women would rather men not spend too much time on them. (Ahem, sensitivity reminder numero dos.) Give them some love and move along to my favorite area: the vagina.
3. Vagina stroking
Oh, how I love when my boo puts his hands down there. But first I want him to caress her over my pants, then over my panties, then... you know.
It doesn't have to be rough. Light stroking of the ladies neither region can make us wet, which is essential before sex. Again, a Sahara Desert situation is not conducive to great sex. So give her some love before you stick it in.
4. Breakfast
Before a man attempts to seduce a woman in the morning, he better get her a cafecito and bring her breakfast in bed. Specifically, a "Cafe Bustelo, empanada, and guava y queso." Raquel tells me that this is the "power move" to turn her on. A woman has gotta eat!
5. Magic Mike Moves
When I asked Nadine what she likes during foreplay, her answer was simple: Magic Mike! No, she doesn't want Channing Tatum in the flesh. Well, maybe she does. But she can't have him so she will settle for his sexy moves. "Yes, stripper moves!" she confirmed. Get to swerving, hombres.