12 Crucial Love Lessons From 'My So-Called-Life'
Jordan Catalano ... SWOON!

In 1994, we were introduced to angst-filled Claire Danes as Angela Chase, gorgeous Jordan Catalano played by Jared Leto, quirky Rayanne, boy-next-door Brian, and sensitive Rickie in the (way too) short-lived drama My So-Called Life. Considered a pioneer in bringing real issues to the small screen, the show devoted episodes to sexuality (Rickie was the first openly gay teenager on network television), drinking, guns, drugs, and, well, just the general agony of the four longest years of your life. (Though, unfortunately, we only got one season of this amazing show.) Watch this and reminisce on all of the feels:
Going beyond these serious matters, My So-Called Life also depicted the extreme highs and lows of high school romance. While we really hope that Angela isn't still pining for Jordan Catalano after 20 years, we did learn many long-lasting lessons in love as we watched her chase (pun intended) the unattainable bad boy.
1. A smile from your dream guy can fix the most awful day!
2. When you’re crushing this hard, you will remember the most mundane details as if it actually means something.
3. He loves me. He loves me not. High school relationships are so dramatic.
4. Yes, even the dreamiest guy could be a bad kisser.
5. Rejection does not get any easier. It will always take a certain level of courage. But at least you can know you tried.
6. Proceed with caution if he’s in a band AND has better hair than you.
7. Once an ugly crier, always an ugly crier. And yet, when you’re heartbroken, not much is as satisfying as a good sob fest.
8. You are a complicated person with many facets to your personality.
9. Best lesson from Brian Krakow? Don’t peak in high school. (He’s super hot now, btw.)
10. Friends will always be the cure to your relationship troubles — except when, you know, the problem is that your BFF gets drunk and sleeps with your crush. (Twenty years later, we’re still wondering: Did Rayanne and Angela make up? And can we get a reunion movie already?!)
11. At some point, you will be able to move on.
12. And yes, 20 years later, you will be able to look back on your own Jordan Catalano with fond memories.
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Photo: WeHeartIt