THIS Is The Best Way To Kiss (Says Science)
Pucker up.

I think we can all agree that when it comes to love and romance, it definitely takes two to tango. Sometimes, from the moment you lock eyes with that guy you've been crushing on, it can be hard to think about anything else except when you'll have the perfect fairytale. But according to Buzzfeed's video, a staggering 59% of students "have said their initial attraction ended after the first kiss.":
Even though it sounds crazy (and a bit ridiculous, to be honest) that a kiss was the be-all end-all for some, it sort of makes sense. No matter how head over heels we are for someone, having a not so satisfactory kiss would put a damper on things. But if you've been wondering what tips and tricks will send sparks everytime, learning how to kiss the right way (according to science!) is the first step.
Girls, not only is eye contact a major difference between a dud and a success, employing tactics that'll make it last will work in your favor. After all, "Your lips have one of the largest concentration of nerves than anywhere else on the body. These nerves send millions of signals to both you and your partners brains, releasing a rush of feel good hormones...This hormonal and chemical exchange will help you and your partner decide to pursue something more."
So get ready to pucker up and put your skills to the test.