5 Times Sex During Pregnancy Went Horribly, HILARIOUSLY Wrong
Gotta love hormones …

The months during pregnancy are certainly a journey. Your body and hormones change in such a way that it affects all aspects of your life, including sex. Unless you have a high-risk pregnancy, having sex is perfectly safe for the mother and her baby.
But that doesn't mean things always go smoothly. We gathered five stories where sex during pregnancy went completely wrong. So wrong.
1. I farted mid-coitus.
One mother told What To Expect about how this little side effect ruined the mood.
"We don't let a little gas ruin the mood: We were being romantic and I let one go — a charming side effect of pregnancy — and we both froze. Then we laughed so hard we had to stop!"
2. I ruined a perfect opportunity for early morning sex.
Apparently, being awake during the act isn't a requirement during pregnancy.
"It's 2 AM. My husband was off work and climbed into bed with me. He gave me a peck on the lips; I attempt to kiss back. He kept kissing me and petting my hair and face. I knew he was horny, but I was tired. He tried to slide inside me from the side. I normally love sleepy sex, but I was too tired to even contribute anything, so he said he would make it quick.
It's was then 7 AM. I wondered if my husband even finished, or if me falling asleep was a turnoff. I rolled over and tried to cuddle close to him, but his back was to me," wrote NY Magazine writer, Rachel Kramer Bussel in her sex diary.
3. I fell right off the bed.
The later months of pregnancy definitely bring along physical challenges, from being not being able to tie your own shoes to losing balance during sex.
"I was probably about eight months — big and pregnant... While hubby and I were getting our groove on, I slipped off the bed and landed between the wall and the bed, and got stuck. My husband just laughed at me. And I had to wiggle my way out," Stephanie G. told PopSugar.
4. I threw up EVERYWHERE.
"Before getting pregnant we had sex at least give times a week, if not once a day. But lately he's lucky if he gets any love one time a week. So tonight I decided to surprise him with a BJ after he cooked me dinner. I have been getting nauseous again lately and it turns out my gag reflex has been seriously effected, and I ended up throwing up all over. We took a shower and cleaned up, and he laughed about it and said it wasn't a big deal. But I feel so stupid and doubt we'll be doing anything oral for a while. So much for trying to please him," revealed a message board user on Baby Center.
5. I couldn't stop crying.
"My husband and I were having sex and I was on top. As I was riding him, he went for my boob with his mouth but was a little too rough and bit me. I yanked away and instantly started crying. He asked me with a horrified face, 'Oh my god what's wrong?' and between tears I said, 'That really hurt! Why did you do that!?' He apologized and said he didn't mean to but that 'I shouldn't have pulled away because it made it worse'. I didn't want to stop so he could finish, so I continued riding him and tried hiding my runny nose and crazy need to continue crying!" one expectant mother said on Baby Center.