Husbands Who Have Happy Wives Always Do These 9 Things Exactly Right
The traits of husbands whose wives are very content in their marriages.

Sometimes it's the little things you appreciate, like how he reminds you to leave at a certain time so you're not late, and other times it's something bigger, like how she made you into a more compassionate person, regardless of being grateful for your partner and recognizing their good qualities is crucial to your relationship.
And, the things you appreciate most about your partner are what makes him or her unique — and your relationship so special. We asked men and women of all ages to reveal the things that husbands who have happy wives make sure to consistently do in their marriages.
Husbands who have happy wives always do these things right:
1. He surprises her
"I think the thing I appreciate most is that even though he's not an outwardly "romantic" person. He does extremely thoughtful and wonderful things that to me are very romantic.
The perfect gift that makes me go "AW" or a note or card that makes me cry. He doesn't want gifts or frivolous things at holidays, but he almost always surprises me with something wonderful." — Virginia, 50
2. He's loyal to a fault
"What I appreciate about my partner is that he is 110 percent dedicated to the relationship. Through thick and thin, all the fights, he is still here and I know I can depend on him to be there for me." — Taylor, 23
"I appreciate my husband because he keeps God and his family first in all he does." — Maria, 60
"He treats my sister like his sister and my grandparents like his grandparents." — Sarah, 26
"How he lets my parents call him for asinine tech questions, like "how to hook up a router." Even though he probably doesn't know — he tries to help anyway." — Chrissy, 26
3. He anticipates her needs
"Mine is a good father. He buys things for his daughter's needs without being asked and gives up his last for me and her." — Raenisha, 22
4. He's selfless
"My fiancé is always putting me first, making sure I am taken care of before he worries about himself — scrapes snow/ice off my car in the morning even if he is running late, does all the dishes every night, and will rub my back when it hurts even when he's past exhausted. It's truly a wonderful feeling to have someone care so much about your happiness," — Kate, 25
5. He knows how to make her smile
"That he always makes me smile ... even when I'm super stressed and not pleasant to be around!" — Courtney, 26
"His humor. He knows when to make me laugh when I'm sad or mad. It might seem small but in the long run, it becomes larger than life." — Sarah, 21
Any man can make you cry, it takes a real one to make you laugh and smile.
"What I appreciate most is her ability to lighten my mood and make me smile. It's easy to get wrapped up in the stress of work and life, but having someone to remind you how to smile and have fun is great!" — Barry, 27
"He always knows how to make me laugh, even if it means he has to embarrass himself." — Rachel, 28
Couples who laugh together can get through any obstacle in their way.
6. He goes the extra mile
"I appreciate the hugs and kisses I get every day when I come home from work." — Tim, 52
"I appreciate how he makes me dinner and will watch my favorite shows when I work late or I'm stressed." — Sarah, 26
"He reminds me to leave at a certain time so I am not late." — Jessica, 33
7. He advocates for 'less is more'
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"She's the most loving and caring person I know, and instead of making me get up and go outside, she'd rather stay at home and watch movies and TV all day." — Sean, 23
Honesty is the most important thing in a relationship.
"Open communication. Always trying to be on the same wavelength." — Mahwash, 25
"His genuine interest in my opinion." — Claire, 26
8. He never makes her feel like a burden
"I appreciate that he puts up with me and still loves me no matter what." — Morgan, 22
"You asked me what I appreciate about my "partner" — well that's just the thing — she is my partner … A partner is someone that gives of themselves in a relationship and adds something unique, their own flavor. She’s given me the motivation to live the best life I can and to BE the best man I can be — She made me want to be better so that I could take care of her and others. Because of her, I’ve learned to be nurturing which candidly was not my nature. " — Joel, 34
"I like that my girlfriend is comfortable enough with herself to trust me and not ever act jealous or regretful when I'm busy and can't talk or hang out with her. It helps me trust her and makes our interaction so much more personal and mindful." — Jake, 26
9. He accepts her for who she is
"Relationships require change, whether it be good or bad, it happens. My partner accepts me for who I am, and with that acceptance, I am willing to change for the better." — Adrian, 22
Michelle Toglia is the Executive Editor at Elite Daily, overseeing the site's entertainment, news, style, dating, and experiences coverage.