Do These 3 Things In Bed And You'll Make Him CRAZY For You!

Here's how to get him UP and running quickly!

how to get a guy hard weheartit

Learning how to physically excite a man is surprisingly easy. There are just a few things you need to do.

Read on to learn the three ways you can get and keep his attention in the bedroom and how to get him hard. Trust me when I say he won't stop thinking about you! 

1. Learn how to touch him.



The first and most important thing to master if you want to give your man a hard-on is learning how to touch him in a sexy, sensual and suggestive way. Now I'm not saying that you should go straight for his crotch. I'm talking about how you touch his arms, back and chest.

Fast, awkward touching is not going to turn him on. Instead, you want to touch him very slowly and gracefully. You also want to make sure to let your hand linger for just a little longer that you would do to a friend, but not so long that it starts to feel creepy for him.

Gauging exactly how long you should touch him for each time comes down to practice and experience, so don't expect to get it right every time.


2. Talk dirty.


Talking dirty to a guy is another awesome way to get him excited. Before you go and start talking dirty to your guy, there are a few things to master first.


Don't be explicit. Being explicit is great when you are both in the bedroom. However, in public it can be a real land mine and make things get awkward with your man, very fast. A much better way to approach talking dirty to a guy when you are in public, at a party together or just hanging out is to be much more subtle.

Here is what NOT to say, "I really want to feel you in my hands." However, saying something like, "Wow, I wish we were both alone right now" will work a lot better. This is because your man's brain will start whirring into gear, trying to figure out exactly what you meant and you can also play it off as something non-sexual if he happens to get a bit weirded out by it.

While you may be eager to memorize 50 dirty lines to use on a guy to arouse him, it's a much better strategy to start slower, with just two to three lines. This makes the lines both easier to memorize and actually say them. (If you are looking for detailed advice on exactly what to say, watch this tutorial video for all of the tips you need to know to say the right thing and to feel comfortable doing so.) 

3. Don't be goofy.



The last thing I have to say is that you must avoid being goofy as much as possible. I'm not saying that you should act like a proper princess, but if you are usually one to joke around, try toning it back a bit and amping up your sexiness. Use the tips above to get you started! 

Want some powerful oral sex techniques to use on your man? Check out this instructional video for everything you need to know.
