The Weird Reason One In Three Women Are Removing Their Wedding Rings
It's not for the reason you think.

What's in a ring? Well, probably a lot if it's a wedding ring.
A wedding ring is a symbolic piece of jewelry that shows to the world that, basically, you're off-limits. However, if we're to take the romantic route, it means you're in love, and you're in it to win it, until death parts you and your partner.
That's what a wedding ring means, so what does removing it mean? According to a study, it has a lot to do with their careers.
The 2013 UK study found that one in three married or engaged women will remove their rings in "certain situations."
The number one reason for this removal is the "fear of damaging employment or job progression prospects." Because, as we all know, a married woman can't be successful in her job and her personal life at the same.
And if she hasn't had a baby yet, she definitely will soon, so there's really no point in hiring a married or engaged woman ever.
When the percentages as to why these women removed their rings were broken down they looked like this: 35 percent for work reasons, 29 percent while attending job interviews, and 22 percent when out socializing. Of the 35 percent who removed the ring for work reasons, their justification was that the ring would harm their career.
The problem with this is that in removing wedding bands women are giving into the societal perception that they're somehow unable to succeed in both their careers and family life.
There's also the mentality that if a woman is engaged, hiring her could be risky because, obviously, she'll be getting pregnant as soon as she can, so whatever training and work went into her time at a company before her maternity leave will be seen as a waste. Besides, who wants to go through the hiring process again nine months later? Interviewing replacements is so annoying.
Let's not forget that work-life balance is not only achievable — women are rocking it, too.
In 2012, the Pew Research Center reported a record number of breadwinner moms. According to the study, 40 percent of all households with children under the age of 18 include mothers who are either the sole or primary source of income for the family. In 1960, it was just 11 percent.
While the reason women remove their rings in regard to work is understandable, although still sexist and antiquated on the part of anyone who would judge a woman's ability to pull off both her professional and personal life flawlessly, the removal while socializing is somewhat disturbing.
Of the 22 percent of women who admitted that they took off their ring when they were out there kickin' it with their friends, 59 percent said they wanted to appear single, and 11 percent said it was because they wanted to cheat. Why get married, ladies? Just be single and stay single.
RELATED: I Stopped Wearing My Wedding Ring And Had A Marriage Epiphany
It can't be denied that both men and women are treated differently in social situations if they happen to be sporting a wedding ring or engagement ring, but isn't that what you married or engaged folk want?
Isn't that part of the joy of finding the person love and with whom you want to be? That you no longer have to deal with the drama of being hit on by dudes just looking to get into bed? No?
Whether or not you choose to take off your wedding ring for work or personal reasons, is your prerogative. But considering what a wedding band signifies, it's a shame to do so. If some company doesn't want to hire you because you're hitched or about to get hitched, shame on them. If you're out on the town sans ring looking to score, then shame on you.
Why be married if you just want to mess around all over town? Pawn that ring and buy some shoes or a new dress to really up your chances to get lucky. That's just simple common sense right there.
Amanda Chatel has been a sexual wellness and relationship journalist for over a decade. Her work has been featured in Glamour, Shape, Self, and other outlets.