Whoa! 14 Celebs You Didn't Know Had A Twin
We're seeing double!

Everyone knows of celebs like Gisele Bundchen and Scarlett Johansson, but what about their other halves? No, we don't mean their significant others, we mean their twins. Didn't know how many celebs have twins? Neither did we. So we did some digging!
1.Gisele and Patrícia Bundchen: Gisele is the older of the fraternal twins by five minutes Patrícia now acts as her older sister's manager.
2.Alanis and Wade Morrisette: Alanis is also the older sibling here Her twin brother Wade is a musician as well, in addition to being a yoga instructor, author and therapist.
3.Jon and Dan Heder: Jon (of Napoleon Dynamite fame) isn't the only one in Hollywood; his twin brother Dan works in visual effects
4.Kiefer and Rachel Sutherland: while Kiefer made it big in America, his sister Rachel works in TV production in Canada
5.Samantha and Charlotte Ronson: Samantha doesn't have the corner on talent in the Ronson family; her sister Charlotte is a fashion designer
6.Joel and Benji Madden: though Joel might be the more famous brother, Benji is also a musician and member of Good Charlotte
7.Parker and Christopher Posey: the Queen of the Indies’ twin brother tends to stay out of the spotlight
8.Scarlett and Hunter Johansson: Scarlett's twin brother appeared alongside her in Manny & Lo
9.Aaron and Angel Carter: while Aaron works on his singing career, Angel works as a model
10.Nicholas Brendon and Kelly Donovon: these twin brothers are so perfectly identical that Kelly actually stood in for his brother on two episodes of Buffy The Vampire Slayer
11.Judy Reyes and Joselin: both actresses, these ladies both filled medical roles Judy as Carla on Scrubs and Joselin as a paramedic on Law and Order: SVU.
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