PDA Alert! 10 Animals Giving Sloppy Kisses
Watch these giraffes, elephants and cats get their smooch on!

Dogs aren't the only animals that give kisses. Many creatures great and small, wild and tame can't resist a smooch.
Watch these 10 giraffes, horses and more pucker up.
1. There's an elephant in the room and she wants some sugar.
2. Watch what happens when a camel puckers up.
3. Is this giraffe French? 'Cause he uses a lot of tongue!
4. It was love at first sight for this monkey and cat.
5. Dolphin smooches dog and jumps with excitement...
6. Who kisses on cue? A horse, of course.
7. P.U. This llama needs a breath mint!
8. This cow says, "Moo-ve over here and gimme a kiss!"
9. Smooching's monkey business for these two.
10. A hedgehog's favorite peck: the air kiss!
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