Love Bytes: Should Younger Women Date Older Men?

Plus, the traits of a faithful man.

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Younger ladies have had a many millennia-long affair with older dudes. Are younger fellas immature? Are older women uninterested in sex? Whatever the case, some people think 23-year old chicks should not date 23-year old guys. (The Gloss)

One of these honeymoons would almost make it worthwhile to get married. Almost. (Huffington Post)

Outside of a pair of ripped jeans and a five-o'clock shadow, what are the qualities that faithful men have? (Glo)


A dozens reasons not to be all nervous about getting into a relationship. (HowAboutWe)

There is a difference between being attractive and attracted. And it's creepy. (Good Men Project)

There are 5 things you need to know before you move in together. (LearnVest)

Both men and women prefer to get massaged by women. That sounds about right. (NYMag)

You shouldn't chase waterfalls. You should probably stick to the rivers and lakes that you're used to. How to tell if you're moving too fast. (Madame Noire)

Evidently dating is real hard. Especially first dates. Here's how to survive. (Gurl)


Talk about "ball and chain." A man gets married minutes before going to jail. (Huffington Post)

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