Golden Pussy Revisited
Will someone please tell me how to get a man pussy whipped? The experts are not taking me seriously

Have you ever sought advice for your love life? Maybe you read self-help dating books or write to “experts” asking for advice. Like most of us, you probably consult your friends. Not too long ago, I wrote an article for Dating Sauce where I shared a story and asked for help on a topic close to my heart—I wanted to learn how to get a Golden Pussy.
Honestly, it didn’t seem like too much to ask. I’ve seen it in many situations where a man is completely taken with a woman and will do pretty much anything she asks in just about every situation. I wanted a piece of that. Wouldn’t you?
I got the idea for wanting a golden pussy while shopping for used furniture. The seller and I were haggling over the price of an antique buffet, I was completely distracted by how good looking the man was who was giving me such a hard time about its price.
ME: Seeing that I will need to do some work on the drawers, I think $75 is fair.
GORGEOUS ONE: I can’t take less than $85. C’mon, it’s in great condition. The details on the buffet were stunning with raised floral bouquets and etched grooves. We both knew that the piece was worth way more than I was going to give him, but I was there in his living room and I had cash.
ME: Let’s meet in the middle for $80 then. Why are you getting rid of this, anyway?