If Your Guy Exhibits These 8 Behaviors, He's Gonna Be A Great Dad
Daddy-o or daddy-NO?

It's one thing to be a good boyfriend or husband, but not everyone has the parenting gene in them.
There are plenty of people who are childless by choice, and while that may not be everyone's cup of tea, it's perfectly fine to have this lifestyle. People can still be great with children and not want to be a father.
If being able to raise a family is high on your to-do list, you definitely want to make sure the person you love is up for it too.
Because, for men especially, learning how to be a good dad is about more than just the biology aspect. You need a partner as well as a parent for your children.
So, how can you tell if your partner and his behaviors will translate into a stellar dad? Here are some telltale signs:
1. He posts pictures.
Usually, photos of his nephews' or little cousins' elementary school art projects on Facebook, proclaiming that he can't wait to be a dad. Isn't it just the sexiest thing ever when a man is great with kids?
2. He loves kids and babies, and they love him.
This one's a no-brainer. I swear that all babies love my fiancé, even the most fickle. It's a great sign when he can handle children well.
3. He attends your little brother's baseball games.
And he truly looks forward to mingling and playing ball with the little ones.
4. He adapts to outside circumstances easily and can go with the flow.
He always comes up with another plan on the spot when things go wrong, like when it rains on your Disneyland vacation.
5. He loves to stay home with you.
Just as much, if not more, than partying all night with the boys.
6. He doesn't have a scary temper.
This one's important. You don't want your kids to deal with the scars of his rage on you or them. You need someone who is going to be calm and collected during arguments-with you or the children.
7. He's patient, stable, and loves you unconditionally.
Your future offspring will know that no matter what happens, he will always be there for them. Your children shouldn't be scared to go to you or your partner when they mess up. They wanna know that they're gonna be loved no matter what.
8. He knows how to work as a team.
That's important when you're raising children! You'll feel safe knowing that you're in it together as you both transition into parenthood. It took the both of you to create a baby, so it should take two of you to raise it. Equally. That's his child just as much as it's yours.
Mona Lisa Macalino is an editor who writes about women's lifestyles, love and relationships, and health.