10 Habits That Raise Positive Kids — That Adults Don't Even Realize

Children glean so much from their parents.

Kids are positive because their parents raised them with certain habits. Artem Podrez | Canva

It's important to teach kids to have healthy self-esteem, eat well, exercise often, and love their bodies. According to research, the benefits of raising children with high self-esteem include higher grades, better social relationships, and more. But how can this be achieved?

Here are the 10 habits that raise positive kids that adults don't even realize:

1. First of all, love your own body

If you don't feel good about your own body, it will be difficult for your kids to feel good about theirs. Remember: we are our kids' guides. — Jennifer Kelman


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2. Pay attention to how you speak about your body in front of your child

How often do you say things like, "I'm so fat"? If you speak like that about your body, your child will begin to parrot those exact sentiments. — Jennifer Kelman

3. Remember that 'fat' is not a feeling

When we say things like, "I feel so fat" we teach our kids to use their bodies to describe their feelings. Eating disorders and poor body image develop when feelings are suppressed and too much emphasis is placed on the body instead of allowing real feelings (sadness, happiness, anger) to emerge. According to statistics, 22% of children and adolescents worldwide show disordered eating. —Jennifer Kelman


4. ... And that 'skinny' does not necessarily equal healthy

Regardless of what you weigh, your lifestyle determines your overall health. Anyone can be skinny if they starve themselves or follow strange diets, but skinny does NOT mean healthy. Teach your kids to eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and manage their stress to achieve optimal health. — Cory Couillard

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5. Don't be the food police

Rather than acting like the food police, pull back a bit. There's NO need for policing if you know you're putting healthy meals on the table! The more you focus on food, the more your child will too ... and not in a good way. — Jennifer Kelman

6. Consider getting rid of the junk food

A healthy diet is only achievable if you do not have the bad options (*cough* ice cream, soda, chips *cough*) in your pantry. Your kids are going to go for the junk rather than the carrot sticks if it's there. So clean that pantry out! — Cory Couillard


7. Get your kids involved in sports

This is one of the greatest ways to instill a positive body image. Kids gain self-esteem through sports (and other physical activities) because sports teach them to love their bodies for what they can do — rather than how they look. — Jennifer Kelman

habits that raise positive kids Pexels / Kampus Production

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8. Incorporate healthy "family time" activities

Kids are a product of their environment. You're teaching your kids healthy habits when you regularly incorporate fun and healthy family activities. Anytime you associate positive emotions with healthy activities, you improve the chances of creating long-term, healthy behaviors. — Alicia Cramer

9. Create a safe zone for expressing feelings

It is important for your kids to feel safe communicating with you. Kids often hold in their feelings and wind up thinking there's something wrong with them, which contributes to self-worth challenges. However, frequent and open communication enables kids to learn from negative experiences WITHOUT internalizing them negatively. — Alicia Cramer

10. Don't be a Negative Nancy

Imagine that every negative comment you mutter about your body is a scorpion bite with venom. Avoid bad thoughts and comments at all costs! Watch: your kids will pick up on your positive vibe and become much happier in the process. — Tatiana Abend


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Tatiana Kaletsch is an organizational Health and Wellness Specialist and National Board-Certified Health Coach with 23 years of experience implementing healthy habits systems for individuals and groups in corporate, clinical, educational, and community settings.

Jennifer Kelman is a social worker, psychotherapist, life coach, entrepreneur and author.


Alicia Cramer has been a sought-after hypnotherapist and mindset coach for the last 20 years, helping hundreds of high-achieving clients shatter their self-imposed limitations and reach new heights of business growth and personal fulfillment.

Dr. Cory Couillard is an international healthcare speaker, health coach, author, and columnist who has appeared in newspapers, magazines, and publications in over 30 countries.