3 Subtle Things Women Who Enchant Men Do On Purpose

Put him under your spell.

Woman does subtle things to enchant men. jpfotograaf | Canva

The enchantresses in the legends of King Arthur brought balance to a society ruled by male domination. Through their seductive, female magic they magnetized the men of Camelot. 

The King’s warriors set aside their brutish behavior and broke their backs to court these women. They acted with chivalry in the hopes of earning a smidgen of feminine admiration and tender, female affection.

You, too, can be a modern-day enchantress and inspire a man to honor the laws of chivalry in your relationship. You can magnetize and hypnotize the men you're dating by embracing the power a woman has when creating intimacy with a man.


By having the right energy around a man and using the right words and body language when interacting with him, you can ignite long-lasting flames of passion in his susceptible heart. Here are three ways you can be a more seductively intimate woman and effortlessly enchant men.

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Here are 3 subtle things women who enchant men do on purpose:

1. Magnetize him with your soft side

When a modern enchantress is with a man, she no longer is the power-playing professional or the multi-tasking, in-charge mother of three children. She's a leaf on the river. 


Women Who Do These Things Will Enchant Any Man They Meet Pexels / Cole Keister

To be a leaf on the river, slow down, set aside all strategies and ideas you have about how to "hook a man," and just go with the flow of the moment when with men. 

Take deep breaths, sit back, feel soft inside, warm in your heart, and just enjoy the memories created by chemistry and romantic connection.


An enchantress is a master at "just being." She knows how to feel feminine and vulnerable around a man and can relax into that vulnerability. She doesn't try to improve upon the relationship or scramble to seal the bond.

She allows a man to come forward at his own pace, and she lets him nurture her with his attention and affection. She is a goddess who has an unwavering, tranquil, slow-paced energy about her that invites calm, love, sensuality, cuddles, tenderness, and soft, sweet connection.

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2. Listen to him with more than just your ears

An enchantress can draw out a man's vulnerability within minutes. She knows how to make him feel nervous and safe at the same time. 


She can make him feel honored to be in her presence so that he feels unnerved, while at the same time, she can make him feel so emotionally safe that he will open up entirely to her.

The best way to make a man feel unnerved yet safe enough to expose his secrets is to listen to him at the right moments. When you're with a man, try to hear what he says to you. 

Don't speak over him, don't glance down at your phone, don't let your thoughts drift, don't promise him you're listening when you're doing two other things at the same time.

There are so many ways in which our minds keep us from connecting with other people. An enchantress uses her female energy to be in the moment and not a victim of her mental energy. 


You must clear your thoughts and open your heart to do this. You have to drop what you're doing and fully listen with your ears, heart, mind, and body.

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3. Seduce him with touch

If you gently touch a man when you feel extra connected to him, it can show him that his feelings matter to you and that his intentions have landed with your heart. But don't touch him too often and don't use touch to force a connection. 

One study evaluated the effect of different types of mutual touch with couples. Mutual touch was associated with significantly elevated heart rates in participants. Furthermore, touching increased desire, especially when it was combined with eye contact and the participant's romantic outlook.


Just touch him in key moments, and make your touch show him that you're available to the connection.

When you can use your touch to show him that you both are "on the same page" and are in tune physically, spiritually, and emotionally, love will start to brew in his heart; he won't understand why but he will know it's real.

Love is about deep intimacy that’s created in the space between two lovers. A highly intimate woman is always going to know the best way to use her caresses to bridge that space and fill it with understanding, desire, and compassion.


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Kristina Marchant is a writer and author with a BA in psychology from Barnard College at Columbia University. She is also a relationship coach who advises women on men and healthy relationship skills.