Sandra Fluke Rejects Rush Limbaugh's Apology: What Do You Think?
Rush Limbaugh called Sandra Fluke, who testified for insured birth control, a slut and prostitute.

After researching both sides of the Sandra Fluke saga, I find it hard not to side with the courageous third-year law student, who testified on Capitol Hill on Feb. 23, advocating for birth control to be covered by insurance — and was subsequently inexplicably shamed by conservative talk-show host Rush Limbaugh for being a "prostitute" and "slut." Somehow, Limbaugh confounded being promiscuous with being sexually active at all, and said some horrible things in the process.
After seeing just how much women spend on birth control a year, I find it absurd that contraception is not covered by insurance. Also absurd are the reactions of media personalities who should really know better (but what can we expect?)
Rush Limbaugh is not the only culprit. Sorry to break it to you Bill O'Reilly, but comparing coverage on contraception with college football is like comparing apples with screwdrivers.
Although many look at contraceptive coverage as paying hard-earned money to fund casual sex, I beg to differ. Many women do not have the money to pay for birth control pills or even condoms, but engage in sexual activity to express their love and affection for their partner. With the fears of getting pregnant, women struggle to fork up the $15-$50 a month or $180-$600 a year birth control pills cost.
You might say, "Well, if you can't afford the protection, you're not mature enough to have sex," but that's naive.
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Whether a couple is dating, engaged, married or in a domestic partnership, chances are sex is a big component of their relationship.
As history has proven, when couples don't have protection, it doesn't usually stop them from having sex. Just read this study on how much unprotected sex Americans are having. Not to mention that women end up paying most of the price, since they are usually the ones buying birth control pills, which are more expensive than condoms.
And then what happens? Unplanned pregnancy, and a child gets brought into a world where the parents can't even afford diapers.
We salute Sandra Fluke for rejecting Rush Limbaugh's apology. Whether or not he meant it, it's never acceptable to slut-shame a woman for seeking insured contraception, which should be a legal right.
What do you think of the whole debacle? Do you think contraception should be covered by health insurance?