Why You Should Not Hope To Find Love

Maybe it's time you replace hope with faith that you will find the man of your dreams.

pray prayer hands red sweater

So you discovered your core beliefs, have done your forgiveness work and religiously listened to your meditations in hope that something will work to attract your true love. You bravely go to singles events and date online hoping that he will be there. Each month that goes by, your hope starts to wane and you feel like all this positive thinking is just not working.

Maybe the problem is hope itself. When you hope for something, you leave the door open for it not to happen. You think it could happen, but you aren't convinced until it does. You really don't believe he is out there, but you hope you are wrong.


When you simply hope for change, it is very difficult to attract what you want. It takes much longer because the doorway to failure is open, allowing the draft of disappointment, impatience and discontent to flow through your mind. Your hope is clouded with other unfavorable possibilities and the horrible thought that you could be alone forever. 7 Ways You Can Learn To Love Your Body

In order to shift your energy and create powerfully using the law of attraction, you must abandon hope and replace it with faith. Faith is saying that you are absolutely sure that your ideal partner is out there. You will find your true love, you will feel more confident, and you will achieve your goals and dreams. With faith you have a certain conviction that is much more powerful the flimsy desire associated with hope. You truly believe —  without a doubt — that love will find you.


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Think of it this way: you can either spend your time doubting or you can spend your time preparing with joyful anticipation for your dream guy.

Most singles I talk to spend their days trying to protect themselves from disappointment, afraid to feel too positive because deep inside they feel they can't have that love relationship. That type of thinking operates on the assumption that they are powerless over their lives and love attraction is out of their hands. They believe external forces dictate their lives. They silently agree with the status quo and continue the pattern of loneliness and heartache.

True faith is being certain that you are a co-creator with the divine. Your desire for a love relationship isn't selfish because the divine in you is love waiting to be expressed. The divine cannot fully experience itself in a depressed state of mind or unhealthy relationship; that is contradictory to its very essence. You are worthy of great love and the divine wants you to have it much more than you are willing to receive it.


Faith is closing that door to the possibility of failure and standing firm in your belief that you will find your way to each other. As you become detatched from how and when, the answer will be brought to you. Your focus will powerfully shift in alignment with what you want to accelerate love's arrival. Love isn't something to hope for, but to have faith knowing it is your divine right for your full self-expression.