Woman Says Man She Met Online Robbed Her Home & Ghosted Her On Their First Date
He stole her mother's diamond ring.

Everyone has bad date stories, but this woman might take the cake for having the worst.
A woman took to TikTok to share her neighbor's story of the date from hell after she asked for her help catching her conniving date.
In the TikTok video, a woman explained that her neighbor got robbed by a guy she met online.
The TikToker first learned about the date after her neighbor reached out to her about whether she had cameras on her front door.
After the woman said that she had cameras, her neighbor went on to tell her a story about a guy she met on a dating app.
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The neighbor mentioned that she had been talking to the guy for months on the dating app and that he was finally coming to visit her from South Florida since she lived in Central Florida.
"He gets a hotel, they go to dinner at this super nice restaurant," the woman explains, "This guy is super charming, super attractive."
Since their first date went quite well, the neighbor decides to spend the next day with him too and, after having another good day out, she invited her date to come over to her place.
After they both went to bed together, the neighbor woke up at 2 a.m. to find no one in the bed next to her.
She then went downstairs and found out that her front door was wide open and the guy was gone.
After looking around the house, she discovered that her date robbed her.
The TikToker said, “She discovers that he took the ring, it was her mom’s diamond ring… he took the ring, he took some purses, designer handbags out of her closet, some stuff out of her daughter’s closet and then dips out.”
The neighbor then asks for the footage from the woman’s camera.
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The woman mentioned that the video quality from her camera was quite bad as the images were grainy, but, the two could be seen coming to the neighbor’s house and the man was seen later leaving.
The man was a con artist and had a criminal record.
The neighbor then gave the camera footage of the man to the police that she got from the woman.
She then found out that he had given her a fake name. While the name was fake, it was close enough to his real name so, the neighbor went online to do a little research.
After digging things online, she found out that the guy was in Arizona where he had a criminal record of conning people.
The woman said, “He’s straight up con artist… this is just what he does, how he makes his living. He meets people on dating apps.”
The neighbor also showed the woman a picture of the guy and the woman claimed that he was attractive and seemed charming.
The neighbor also found out that the house the guy claimed to live in wasn't his as he had shown pictures to her — the house belonged to a woman whom the guy was also supposedly conning.
The woman further mentioned that the police still haven’t found him.
Sanika Nalgirkar is a News & Entertainment Writer based in Seattle. She has a master's degree in Creative Writing. See more of her writing on her website.