Woman On Plane Hands Out Candy And Earplugs To Passengers In Case Her 10-Month-Old Baby Starts Crying
Such a sweet gesture.

We’ve all seen the recent trend of airplane horror stories that include crying, screaming, or sometimes just bratty kids that ruin the in-flight experience for all those on board.
Unfortunately, these things have been happening ever since the Wright brothers first took flight, but one woman made sure that she and her son’s story would not become one told with her as the villain — instead, she prepared for the worst.
During a 10-hour flight from Seoul to San Francisco, she gave out earplugs to 200 people.
Dave Corona, who originally posted the story to Facebook on February 12, 2019, was on a 10-hour flight from Seoul, South Korea, to San Francisco, California.
He claims that on this flight, “a mother handed out more than 200 goodie bags filled with candy and ear plugs, in case her [4-month-old] child cried during the flight.”
Accompanying the post, he attached several images showing the goodie bags in question, the contents inside of them, and images of the flight and the mother with her baby.
He writes that it was “a very touching gesture by the mother but as you know when you have kids, expect the unexpected.”
Inside the goodie bag, the mother left a note, a bag of earplugs, and some assorted South Korean candies for the passengers’ consumption — a way of compensating for any unforeseen inconveniences that her baby might cause.
She wanted all of the passengers to understand that whatever happened would be out of her control and that she understood how much of a nuisance it could be to have a crying baby on board.
The note inside the goodie bag was written as if it were from her son’s perspective.
“Hello, I’m Junwoo and I’m 4 months old, the note read. “Today, I am going to the U.S. with my mom and grandmom to see my aunt. I’m a little bit nervous and [scared] because it’s my first flight in my life, which means that I may cry or make too much noise.”
She writes that he would try to be quiet, but there was no way for him to make any promises.
Because of this, “my mom prepared [a] little goodie bag for you! It has some candies and earplugs. Please use it when it’s too noisy because of me. Enjoy your trip. Thank you.”
Fortunately for the mother, Corona admits that he heard “Not a peep out of the kid,” and the flight departed and landed without a hitch, so she needn’t worry so much.
Comments on Facebook were filled with praise for the mother, saying things like “That’s extremely touching, the mum is so sweet.”
However, not everyone was in agreement with what the mother did.
Some people don’t think she should have to prepare so much in case her baby started crying.
“Never ever a mother should be feeling guilty [about] having her baby aboard!” one of the top comments under the post read. “This post is insane and people should understand — a baby is a baby, mothers please never feel guilty for a little baby.”
When the post was brought over to Reddit, others said much of the same thing.
“Imagine feeling such guilt to put together all those baggies for her child simply existing,” one of the top comments over there read. “Babies can't pop their eardrums and flying hurts for them.”
“There are ways to manage it by letting them nurse or give them something to suck on, but it's just life. People need to stop giving parents a hard time for babies doing what they do.”
The way people react to those viral videos of airplane inconveniences creates a culture of guilt for those who might end up inconveniencing other people, despite it being out of their control.
Everyone should be a little more accepting and understanding when it comes to airplanes and children.
Maybe then, this mother wouldn’t have had to spend hours outfitting 200+ goodie bags for the plane passengers.
Isaac Serna-Diez is an Assistant Editor who focuses on entertainment and news, social justice, and politics. Keep up with his rants about current events on his Twitter.