Woman Explains How She Gets Men Who Like Her To Do Things For Her Without Questioning It
It seems like she knows what she's talking about.

Michelle, a 28-year-old living in New York City, shared in a TikTok video series rules every woman should implement into their dating life. She claims that dating while following these rules has made guys beg to be exclusive with her in less than a week.
If you want to start dating men who provide what you need and exceed your expectations, Michelle’s rules may help.
Here's how Michelle gets men to give her the princess treatment without questioning it:
The first trick is to never accept simple dates. She wants men to go above and beyond. That means no bar dates, no dinner dates, no coffee dates, and no park dates. “I need experiences,” says Michelle.
“These dates have to be curated, they have to be well planned in advance,” she says. “They have to be experiences that I wouldn’t normally do for myself or pay for.”
“You might waste my time,” she goes on. “But at least I’m gonna have a fun experience to show for it, and it was semi-worthwhile.” To make her expectations clear, Michelle communicates her needs. If you want a man to provide what you want, you’ve got to tell him what you want.
Make it clear what you expect from the beginning of the relationship to build that foundation. “Closed mouths don’t get fed,” says Michelle, which she claims one guy told her verbatim after she expected him to provide tickets to his game.
If she had communicated her expectations and asked for tickets, the guy she was seeing would be in the position to either provide them or not. If he didn’t, maybe she wouldn’t have moved forward with him, but by not communicating what she wanted, she closed that door altogether.
She tells women to establish their needs straight away.
Michelle expects a man she’s dating to provide transportation to their date, so she makes that clear on day one. She claims that ever since her previous boyfriend provided transportation, she’s expected nothing less from anyone else. But, if you are not accustomed to the lifestyle, she says “creating a persona and sticking to it” can make asking for something you want less awkward.
To make her expectations for transportation clear, she asks the men questions like “What time should I be ready for the car to pick me up?” or “What time should I be downstairs for when the car is getting here?”
If a man’s smart, he will understand that he needs a car to pick you up. And if he really wants to take you on a date, he’ll find a way to meet your expectations and make it work. If not, keep it pushing.
By making your needs clear from the beginning, you avoid wasting time on a man who is unable to provide what you really want.
She believes in ranking her potential partners.
Michelle also says she treats dating like the hunger games by letting men know that they’re in competition with the other men she’s dating.
“I have a little checklist,” says Michelle. “I’m ranking every single one that I’m dating. And the higher the rank, the more time you get with me. So the more you do for me, the more your rank goes up.”
While she’s not throwing it in anyone’s face, she’s also not shy about posting any gifts or flowers she’s receiving or any nice dinners and trips that she's going on. By making it clear that she’s getting princess treatment from others, she sends the message that a man needs to provide the same if they want to be in her presence.
Michelle follows the 30/60/90-day rule to make the men she’s dating work for earning intimacy with her.
She explains, “Men, they want a woman that they have to conquer, right? So if you’re opening up your legs and throwing your punani left right and center, what’s there to conquer? It’s just too easy. They don’t need to do anything in order to get you.”
Her rule is 30 days before a nightcap at someone’s house, 60 days before a sleepover, and 90 days before sex. She says that intimacy is okay to happen at the 60-day mark, but not sex.
Waiting 90 days before having sex with a man you’re dating will challenge him to provide for you the best he can. And when it finally happens, he’ll feel like he’s earned it. Not everyone makes it to the 90 days so not everyone gets to try your cookie.
And most importantly... show gratitude.
Michelle’s last rule in dating is to always show gratitude for the nice things men do for her.
Always ask for what you want, but ask respectfully. And when they give you what you want, show that you are thankful.
“If you want it, ask for it,” Michelle says. “Don’t be shy, don’t be embarrassed, but make sure that you’re grateful for it.”
“I will say thank you for my car once I arrive at the date,” Michelle explains. “I will be at the date and say thank you for the date, and then once my car takes me home or wherever afterward, I will say thank you again for the car.”
“I want them to understand that I’m very grateful and I’m not demanding,” she goes on to say. “My number one thing is don’t ever demand anything, because no one has to do anything for you, and no one wants to do anything for someone who demands it.”
Maddie Haley is a writer for YourTango's news and entertainment team. She covers pop culture and celebrity news.