Mom Of Three Warns Women 'If You Don’t Have Kids, Don't Do It' & Explains Why She’s Against Motherhood
Motherhood is not for everyone.

A mother on TikTok shocked viewers after she made a controversial proclamation to women who do not have children.
Many mothers describe the day they gave birth to their children as the best day of their lives, but for her, that wasn't the case.
The mother advised childless women that they should not have children in a TikTok video.
In a video that was viewed over 2.3 million times, Sarah Duffy (@sarah_duffy_) responded to a separate video of one mother who criticized women who opted not to have children.
In the now-deleted video, the mother claimed that women who discussed how not having children positively impacted their life “didn’t sit right” with her.
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Duffy, who is a mother of three, took the opportunity to give her own opinion on childless women and provided them with an important message.
“Listen, I have three kids of my own,” Duffy says. “First one was an accident, second one was an accident, third one was an accident.”
“I love my children, I can’t explain it how I would literally die for them in a heartbeat,” she shares.
“I didn’t think I would ever love something so much, and I didn’t think I even wanted to be a mom. I cannot imagine my life without them.”
Despite her obvious love for her children, Duffy advises childless women who have no plans of having children to stick with their choice.
“If you don’t have kids, don’t do it,” she warns.
“I just got a notification on my phone that my bank account was over-drafted,” she says before pointing at her infant in her arms. “That’s why.”
Duffy’s video received mixed reactions from viewers.
Some TikTok users agreed with her point.
“Honestly motherhood is so romanticized to women. I appreciate you being honest about it,” one user commented.
“I say this all the time — it’s the best thing that’ll ever happen to you but I don’t recommend it,” one mother added.
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However, others criticized Duffy for publicly stating that she never intended on having children and that it would be hurtful to her children if they ever heard it.
"Make sure your children never ever ever hear this rant,” one user wrote. “My mother never wanted us and we knew it.”
Users defended Duffy and claimed an “accident” does not equivocate to a “mistake” or “unwanted.”
“Accident simply means unplanned… doesn’t mean they aren’t made with love and aren’t loved/ loved any different,” one user pointed out.
“I was planned and my mom still hated having to raise can see the love you have for your kiddos. Thank you for being honest and direct,” another user commented.
Duffy responded to the backlash with a hilarious video informing viewers that being honest did not make her a bad mother.
Megan Quinn is a writer at YourTango who covers entertainment and news, self, love, and relationships.