Second Grade Teacher Defends Using A 'Tattle Tub' For Her Students To Tell On Each Other Throughout The Day
Some of the responses are pretty funny!

A second-grade teacher is defending the way she collects complaints from the students in her class about their classmates.
In a TikTok video, Sofia Baker, an elementary school teacher, explained that she'd recently implemented a way for her students to "tattle" on each other, and shared with viewers the kind of responses she received from the "tattle forms."
Baker defends her use of a 'tattle tub' which she uses to get her students to tell on each other throughout the day.
"Here are some of my tattle's that I got from my second-graders on our first day of using a 'tattle tub,'" Baker began in her TikTok video.
Making sure to cross out the names of the students and who they were tattling on, Baker goes through all of the hilarious forms she received.
On the form, students are told to fill out their names, the date, the name of the student who they have a problem with, what has happened between them and their classmate, and finally, if they talked to them about the issue.
It appeared to be anonymous, with Baker being the only one who is allowed to see the responses in the "tattle tub."
Going through the different forms, one student complained about how their classmate "kept showing off her scented markers," while another hilariously that someone in their class wouldn't stop "bossing them around every day."
"'We were in the bathroom and she stuck up the middle finger,'" Baker read from another 'tattle form.'
In the comments, TikTok users expressed how funny the concept of a "tattle tub" is, and laughed at the hilarious responses from her second-grade class.
"This is awesome! You are not only teaching them to resolve problems with others by talking to them, it also gives you an idea of what is happening," one user wrote.
Another user added, "I wish we had these when I was in school."
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Baker showed off more responses from the 'tattle tub,' and explained why she has her students participate.
In a follow-up video, Baker, upon the request of viewers, decided to show off some of the other hilarious complaints from her students.
"A little disclaimer for those of you who are asking, my students can only fill these out when they have finished their work, or they're going to recess or lunch, and when I'm not teaching," Baker clarified.
While going through the different forms again, Baker "started off strong," showing a complaint from a student who wrote, "he doesn't want to be my Valentine."
Another response simply read, "she was so mean," referring to the classmate that had prompted them to leave a 'tattle form.'
Baker also addressed criticism from viewers who accused her of turning her students into "snitches."
"They are all aware that these tattles are ridiculous and not worth wasting anybody’s time, most of the time," she said.
Baker also pointed out that having her students fill out the forms helps them "feel heard and valued."
Nia Tipton is a writer living in Brooklyn. She covers pop culture, social justice issues, and trending topics. Keep up with her on Instagram and Twitter.