Restaurant Manager Baffled After Worker Doesn't Show Up For His Shift Because He 'Doesn't Usually Work Mondays'
However, people in his comments were divided. Is it that unreasonable to expect your schedule not to change last minute?

Usually, when a manager hires an employee for a new job position, they ask them for their availability so that they can schedule them accordingly. After that, a set schedule is composed consisting of the days the employee is able to work to avoid scheduling them on days they are unavailable. If a manager schedules an employee to work on a day they marked they would be unavailable, they cannot be expected to come into work.
However, what if there is a sudden change to the schedule and their shift lands on a day they do not usually come in, even though it is one of their available days? A restaurant manager received mixed responses after revealing that he did just that.
The manager scheduled one of his employees to work on a Monday, even though he usually did not work on Mondays.
Mike, a TikTok user and a restaurant manager who often posts videos about his experiences with his customers and employees, recently took to the platform to share an interaction he had with one of his employees who failed to show up for one of his scheduled shifts.
The employee claimed that it was because he was scheduled on a Monday and he “usually doesn’t work on Mondays.”
Mike was perplexed since according to his employee’s availability he could work on Mondays.
“Oh yeah I can work Mondays no problem,” his employee assured him. “I just didn’t know I was working Monday because I usually don’t work them.”
However, Mike alleges he noticed that the employee had logged into his work account three days prior to his scheduled shift, and indeed saw that he was working on Monday.
“You’re gonna have to help me out,” he informed him. “You can work Mondays, you were scheduled to work on Monday, you saw that you were scheduled to work it, but you just didn’t come in because you usually don’t work it?”
The employee claimed that he believed it was a scheduling mistake. However, Mike pressed him as to why he did not ask him about it since the schedule had been posted ten days prior.
“Did I miss something?” he asks viewers, genuinely confused as to why his employee did not come in for his shift.
Some people believed that the manager was in the wrong.
Although it was true that the employee could work on Mondays, many TikTok users blamed Mike for failing to notify him about the schedule change since he was usually not scheduled to work on Mondays.
“A good reason not to keep changing schedules on people without communicating,” one user pointed out.
“Give people set schedules. Why all this rotating schedule stuff?” another user commented.
“How about you say something to the employee when you haven’t scheduled them for the past 10 Mondays?” another user suggested.
Although others pointed out that since working at a restaurant is not a typical 9-5 full-time job, schedules are bound to change.
“Servers take time off all the time and management has to schedule accordingly,” one user noted.
Others brought up the fact that it was the employee’s responsibility to communicate with his manager regarding the schedule change and not the other way around.
“Server here 10 years, you are being completely reasonable, it's bulls–t that someone bailed on their shift. You sound like a good boss to me,” one user commented.
“I went to work yesterday even though I haven’t worked a Wednesday since I started there. It’s my responsibility to know and understand my schedule,” another user shared.
All scheduling conflicts could have been avoided had the manager and employee properly communicated with each other.
Megan Quinn is a writer at YourTango who covers entertainment and news, self, love, and relationships.