Man Reveals How His Wife Found Out He Was Having An Affair With A Man 3 Weeks After Their Wedding
He was talking to the guy for six months.

Ten years after the events that occurred, a man is opening up on TikTok about how he found out he was gay.
He was already set on getting married to his wife when he started getting into his head about his sexual orientation.
The man reveals that his wife caught him having an affair with a man 3 weeks after their wedding.
In the TikTok, he starts off by saying that he knew something would go wrong, he just wasn't sure how it would happen.
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“When you get married to a woman, even though you know that you’re gay, you’re like destined to do some pretty stupid and harmful things,” he says in the beginning of the video.
Abe goes on to tell the story of how he got married while he was still talking to a guy for 6 months before tying the knot.
He notes that he didn’t think anything would come from the talking, nor was he trying to get anything, but realized he was in love with the man.
“I had never dated a man before. I was raised super conservative and would’ve never allowed myself to do that but it was in my last semester of college and I felt like times were getting pretty bleak and I was about to get married so why not talk to this random stranger who I met on chat roulette.”
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Fast forward six months, Abe goes on to say how the two were pretending to be happy and after only three weeks into the marriage, the unthinkable happened — she found out.
While in class, Abe received 11 missed calls from his wife and knew that she had found out.
“I leave class that day, I’m going to call her back, I walk outside the building and she is right there — without shoes on, looking like she just saw a ghost. She is horrified and rightly so,” he said.
The two had a three-hour conversation about the situation, in which the wife told Abe she saw his open computer with the messages.
“That’s how she found out I was gay,” he said.
In the comments of the video, people had a lot to say about the situation; some offered kind words and encouraged him to do better in the future.
Others shared their own experiences of being the wife in a similar situation and of course, others were enraged that he could do this to somebody.
In a separate video responding to the hate, Abe says that he recognizes how wrong he was in the situation but also tells of how hard it was for him to come out due to his upbringing.
Abe recognizes how awful of a situation it was and he hopes by telling his story, he can show other men who are stuck in the closet to not make the same mistakes as he did.
Victoria Soliz is a writer with YourTango who covers news and entertainment content. Her work explores pop culture trends, film and TV, and celebrity news