Company Warns People Not To Apply If They Want An 'Easy Job' & Won't Work For 10 Hours A Day
That is definitely not work-life balance.

To be a successful employer in today’s job market, companies have to really know how to ‘read the room.’ Disrespect at work, unrealistic expectations about work hours, micromanagement, and other archaic practices are no longer tolerated by employees and applicants. One mismove on the part of someone representing a company can lead to big risks and losses.
But that realization doesn’t stop companies from adding outlandish language and requirements to job postings when they are desperately in need of good candidates. A Job Search Coach names Jess shared a TikTok video detailing a job advertisement that if intended to attract job seekers might end up doing the exact opposite.
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A company warned applicants that their role had some pretty high demands.
The video was short, only lasting five seconds, but it definitely got the point across. Jess simply shared the four bullet points listed as reasons not to apply for the position in the ad. From the look on her face, you could tell that this was not the right way for an employer to find the candidate they were looking for.
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The first requirement stated, “If you are looking for a typical 9 to 5.” The employer states that they typically required employees to work ten hours per day.
In corporate America, staying in work past 5 pm is all too common but while most of us can tolerate the occasional long working day, insisting workers stay for 10 hours on a regular basis is a burden too much for most.
The next two bullet points are closely related. The employer told people that they must be willing to be held accountable and coached and that if job applicants are looking for “an easy job that doesn’t require much,” this is not it. The need to state the obvious screams ‘burned employer’ who is hellbent on making sure they don't get strapped with another worker who won't meet their demands. But, perhaps they'd be better off doing some internal reflection and reevaluating their toxic culture.
The last disqualifier for people wishing to work for the company tells them that they must be able to commit to being there for two years or they need not apply. The employer is clearly misinformed because all states within the U.S. are ‘at-will.’ This means that employees can leave a company for any reason or no reason at all. No company can demand that you stay there for a particular period of time.
They can, however, encourage you to stay by paying appropriately, communicating effectively, showing concern for your well-being, providing ongoing feedback, recognizing your hard work, giving you work-life balance, and providing learning and growth opportunities.
The businesses that get it know that expectations go both ways in the workplace. Finding a way to give employees what they need will undoubtedly lead to loyalty, commitment, and dedication, and will bring in a lot more qualified talent than a job posting filled with negativity and toxicity.
NyRee Ausler is a writer from Seattle, Washington, and author of seven books. She covers lifestyle and entertainment and news, as well as navigating the workplace and social issues.