Dating Experts Reveal Why Mismatched Couples Often End Up Together

These couples don't make sense, but they work.

Mistmatched couple ends up together and is unhappy. nomadsoulphotos | Canva

Have you ever wondered why some great men date women who seem ... beneath them, while other guys date women who are way out of their leagues? It makes no sense! Still, you see these types of couples all the time. Well, after meticulously observing these types of couples and analyzing them intensely, I discovered that five kinds of men tend to date women who just don't seem like a natural match. Here's who those guys are and why they date the women they date.


Why mismatched couples often end up together:

1. The mama's boy

Mom has finally kicked him out of the house. Instead of having to cook and clean for himself, he just can have his girlfriend do it all for him. This is the most common reason a man will go out with a woman below his league. When she does everything for him and life is easy, he completely bypasses the fact this woman is truly atrocious. If the man also has a stressful job, the last thing he wants to do is come home cook dinner, and then finish up with the laundry. There is a reason people say that a man's heart is through his stomach. Lesson to be learned from this scenario: Cooking for your man will keep him by your side. And helping with the cleaning and laundry (but not all the time, you don't want to be used) will keep him appreciating you and loving you more each day.


Why Mismatched Couples End Up Together Pexels / Juan Pablo Serrano

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2. The egocentric man

He is so into himself that he doesn't want anyone else to look better than him. He thrives on being the center of attention and being the better-looking of the two. He doesn't have to worry that other guys are checking his girlfriend out or that she will cheat on him. This makes him feel higher, and he thrives when the couple goes out because people are looking at him and not her. Also, since most of the time, these men are players, he has the best of both worlds according to his philosophy. He can go out and try to pull a higher quality woman than his current one. But if it doesn't work, he always has his regular girlfriend waiting for him. Normally, the types of women who go out with these men are also a little superficial as well. Deep down, they know they are dating a jerk, but he is too cute to give up. Plus, they like being able to show off their boyfriend, even if he treats her poorly.


3. The manipulator

These men love being in control and getting what they want when they want and all by manipulating. They don't like to get into an altercation with their girlfriends nor do they want their lady saying no when they don't agree with something. The manipulating man assumes his girlfriend thinks he's the best she can get. When he is mean, she takes it and doesn't fight back. This man gives her signals all the time that he is abusing her, and she doesn't even pick them up. There is a contorted sense of security in this relationship. The man will never agonize if his girlfriend truly likes him because he has the ultimate control.

@jsetts1 Dont ever let someone break you down to the point where you dont love yourself anymore #love #couples #bf #relationship #toxicrelationship #manipulation ♬ original sound - j

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4. The eye candy man

This man only dates women who are impeccably stunning because they make fantastic eye candy and look good on his arm while they are out. All she has to do is smile (which is not hard) and stand around and look pretty. He doesn't have to put in much effort. If anything, he is always willing to buy her another flattering cocktail dress that will be used for an evening out on the town to once again, show his woman off.


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Kimberly James is a dating expert who has been involved in the event marketing and dating industry for 15 years.

Telina McCord has always had a passion for exploring, analyzing, and reporting on human relationships. She wrote her entire master's thesis on The Evolution of Dating and became The Girl Who Dated 30 Guys in 30 Days.
