When These 9 Things Happen In Your Relationship, You'll Know He's The One

These signs come from within you.

Last updated on Mar 05, 2024

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I hear the same question from people dating or in a relationship, "Are they the one for me?" In a time where there are so many single people, betrayals have become part of dating and looking for love. Being single while looking for love becomes a burden as we often forget what the signs of a healthy relationship even look like!

Even with the abundance of dating advice available, people still have a challenging time trusting they will pick the right partner for themselves. But, if you're ready for your forever relationship, the first step is to figure out how to know if you're in love with 'The One'.


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Here's when these 9 things happen in your relationship, you'll know they're the one:

1. You're not afraid of commitment

You aren't afraid to commit and to put yourself in a situation with someone who also doesn't fear it. If you are afraid of commitment, work it out before starting a relationship.

2. You trust your partner

If you trust your partner, you don't feel the need to go through their e-mail, phone, social media accounts, or journal. But if you do, it strongly indicates you don't trust them, and you're violating their trust in you.




3. You don't think you're superior

If you feel like your partner is inferior in any way that matters to you in a mate — morally, intellectually, financially, socially, or professionally — then you're never going to respect your partner the way you should (and would expect to be respected back).

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4. You don't take part in any substance abuse or questionable behavior

Anyone abusing a substance or behavior is cheating on the relationship with a drug of choice. You deserve better and so much more.


5. You don't depend on them for things no one can/should supply

However, suppose you're looking for your partner to resolve your emotional issues, make you more responsible or successful, financially support you, improve your social standing, expand your group of friends, and provide you with the family you never had. In that case, it's possible you shouldn't be in a relationship. Or, at least not yet.

6. You put it all on the line

Relationships are risky. So if you're not risking a potential heartbreak, you're not doing it right.

laughing couple share a moment of joy

Photo: Ana Luzes via Shutterstock


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7. You don't swerve from serious topics

All the things you're not supposed to talk about on a first date — religion, money, politics, and children — are the things you should discuss with someone you are serious about.

8. You look past your skepticism when it comes to love

Even if you're sometimes a cynic and fear the cliche, you still do deeply and unapologetically romantic things for your partner. You send flowers, request love songs, write notes, and have the bracelet engraved. You call your partner and tell them the specific thing they did this morning you loved and made you fall even more in love.



9. You humble yourselves

You know you can't hide your flaws for long, so don't try. You know you're going to mess up and you will need to apologize and forgive endless times. You recognize you signed up for all of this. We all want to be in a relationship. This is part of being a human being. But, for some, you've been hurt in the past and are scared of making another mistake.


Are you ready to love but still a little afraid of what may happen? Remember, many relationships go through highs and lows. It's learning how to get through the difficult times that will strengthen your relationship.

RELATED: 11 Signs He's Not The One For You (Sorry)

Lianne Avila is a licensed marriage and family therapist with a practice in San Mateo, CA. Her work has been featured in Psych Central, BRIDES, and Prevention.
