Top 10 Traits That Turn Men Majorly On (And Off!) As They Get Older
Men's desires change as they age.

It's a well-known stigma that married folks or couples in long-term relationships often become complacent in romantic love with their partners. Well, let's finally put a stop to that idea.
Shall we find out what turns older men on?
YourTango teamed up with Glo and Chemistry to conduct a survey of more than 20,000 men and women on one simple yet essential topic: the power of attraction.
We found that even if a couple's heat index waxes and wanes over time, 90 percent believe it can be rekindled long-term.
And as for that age-old stigma about complacency in our comfortable relationships? Guys cited "lack of romantic love" as the turn-off that becomes increasingly repellent as they age.
The desire for romantic love isn't the only thing that shifts for men as they become older and wiser.
According to these survey results, here are the top ten turn-offs that become increasingly repulsive to men as they age.
Here are the top 10 traits that turn men majorly off as they get older:
1. Lack of romantic love.
2. Immaturity/childishness.
3. Lack of intelligence.
4. Boredom/lack of adventure.
5. Narcissism/lack of empathy.
6. Lack of drive/ambition.
7. Poor personal hygiene.
8. Lack of intimate skills.
9. Extreme views on religion.
10. Racist or prejudiced ideologies.
What about the other end of the spectrum?
We also asked men which turn-ons have increased in importance as they've aged. Older men are less interested in just the act of being intimate. They want intimacy, foreplay, and just to slow everything down.
It doesn't have to be fast. This allows for a deeper connection to be formed between the couple.
Also, as men grow older, it takes longer for them to get ready for the big moment. So, issues are something that comes along with age, which makes everything slow down and last a bit longer.
No need to rush your pleasure. And, hey, you never know, he most likely will focus on your pleasure for longer.
Here are the top 10 traits that turn men majorly on as they grow older:
1. Kindness.
2. Communication skills.
3. Listening skills.
4. Sense of humor.
5. Intelligence.
6. Intimate prowess.
7. Fitness.
8. Ambition.
9. Smile.
10. General body type.
So, men most value kindness, being able to communicate well and having a good laugh as they age. These traits increased in importance for nearly half of men.
Notice how we don't see intimacy skills or looks make an appearance in turn-ons until much further down the list. That's pretty good news for both men and women.
Jenna Birch is a former author, journalist, & editor. She currently leads narrative & communications at a venture capital firm.