If You Want A Happier Husband, It's Time To Try These 3 Little Tricks

Give him the king treatment.

Last updated on Aug 28, 2024

Woman knows the tricks to make her husband happier. FatCamera, Pro Creators | Canva

I wanted this article to just be a list of tactics and things you can do that will teach you how to help make your husband happier. Making your partner happy in your relationship is obviously very important, but there are other crucial factors you need to pay attention to if you want to have a fulfilling relationship.

These include shared experiences, a common connection, physical attraction, and enjoying each other's company. All that said, we usually want to make our partners happy. So, how can we ensure that happens?


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If you want a happier husband, it's time to try these 3 little tricks:

1. Perform random acts for him

They don't need to be some massive show of appreciation and love — just something surprising and small, like leaving fun, suggestive notes or writing a steamy love letter. Most importantly, you need to do them when your man is not expecting them.

The best reason for this? A 2022 study by the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign found that gratitude from a partner can also increase relationship satisfaction and commitment.

Here are a few ideas:

  • Light candles in the bedroom. One night when you are both getting ready for bed, try lighting a few tealights in your bedroom and be intimate in the candlelight.
  • Shower for two. One morning, follow your man into the shower and wash him. It's really hot and a great way to show him physical attention.

If You Want A Happier Husband, It's Time To Try These Little Tricks cottonbro studio / Pexels

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2. Show him your spontaneous side

Random acts of fun follow the same pattern. You aim to do something fun together.

@sarahcoome Sick and tired of hearing about relationships that only go out once a month🤢 #date #relationship #couple ♬ original sound - sarahcoome

It doesn't have to be cool or super-unique, just something fun like trying a new sport together, buying an adult toy together, going on holiday to somewhere really different, or even just going to a bar neither of you has been to before.

Remember, the idea is not to do something cool or expensive, it's to do something fun.

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3. Tell him how you feel about him

It's a secret that all guys will never admit, but the truth is that men need reassurance just as much as anyone else. 

Everyone needs reassurance from time to time. According to research, people seeking reassurance from their partner reported having a positive mood the next day.

I'm not suggesting that you tell your man how you feel about him 50 times a day.

Instead, every once in a while, remind your man why you like him so much.

Guys are logical, so they are always looking for reasons and the meaning behind things. So it's important to tell him why.

There could be something physical that you adore about him, the way he talks, or maybe it's the way he holds himself. Whatever it is, let him know from time to time.


It will keep your man extremely happy in your relationship.

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Sean Jameson is a writer, relationship expert, and creator of the Bad Girl's Bible.