The Image You See First In This Visual Test Reveals What You Find Most Attractive In A Partner
We all have our preferences when it comes to finding the person who makes us swoon.

It can be hard to put a finger on what exactly it is that makes some people attractive to us while others aren't, but the image you see first in this visual test reveals what it is you personally find most attractive in a partner.
Research shows that we tend to be attracted to people we believe share what we see as our essential interests, likes, and dislikes. This isn't always obvious, however, and trying to wrap our heads around what it is that attracts us most to others can be tough. Our inexplicable attraction to someone may leave our friends asking "Why?" — leaving you responding as best you can by saying something like, "I have no earthly clue!" Sometimes we are simply drawn to people for reasons that are beyond our understanding.
The image you see first in this visual test reveals what you find most attractive in a romantic partner.
Simply look at the picture below and make a mental note of the first image you see. Then, scroll down to find out what this optical illusion-based test reveals about the traits you find most attractive when it comes to love.
Oleg Shupliak
1. If you saw the woman on the rock first
Oleg Shupliak
If you saw the woman on the rock first when you looked at the image, the personality trait you find most attractive is vanity. You can't help it. You swoon over someone who swoons first and foremost over themselves. There's something about their cartoonishly good looks and peacock-esque ways that draws you closer and closer.
Remember that confidence is different from vanity. It's good to believe in yourself and love yourself, but you have to make room for other people in your heart, too.
2. If you saw the sailboat first
Oleg Shupliak
If you saw the sailboat first when you looked at the image, the personality trait you find most attractive is rebelliousness. You envy those adventure-seeking folks who seem to think nothing of leaving all of their responsibilities behind them and heading out into the great wide open.
Their boldness is definitely appealing, but if they are willing to leave it all behind, that could mean leaving you in the dust, too. Just something to be mindful of.
3. If you saw the man's face first
Oleg Shupliak
If you saw the man's face first when you looked at the image, the personality trait you find most attractive is stoicism. You are deeply emotional and expressing those emotions is important to you, but you want your partner to be different, someone who is sure to be a total rock of support, hiding their own feelings as they help manage yours.
Being strong and supportive doesn't have to mean shutting down or repressing feelings. You can find a strong partner who is also extremely in touch with how they feel. And frankly, you should be there for them, too.
4. If you saw the boats under the bridge first
Oleg Shupliak
If you saw the boats under the bridge first when you looked at the image, the personality trait you find most attractive is a fiery temper. You have a soft spot for people who let their feelings rip through them, both good and bad. Maybe you've just seen a lot of movies promoting bad stereotypes in relationships. Either way, anyone with a temper is someone you're sure to want.
We all get angry from time to time. If we handle it the right way, it's completely healthy and normal. If your fiery guy gets this, great. But if his anger ever makes you feel afraid, that's bad news. You might want to change that.
Rebecca Jane Stokes is a freelance writer, editor, former Senior Editor of Pop Culture at Newsweek, and former Senior Staff Writer for YourTango. Her bylines have appeared on Fatherly, Bustle, SheKnows, Jezebel, and many others.