6 Tiny Mistakes You Make When Choosing A Dating Profile Pic
Catch that special someone's eye.

Want to set yourself up for success when it comes to online dating? You need to start with great photos. It’s all about creating a visually engaging showcase on dating sites that demonstrates how wonderful of a catch you are.
Here are 6 tiny mistakes you make when choosing a dating profile pic:
1. Using too many photos
Too much of a good thing is not recommended. Maintain a little mystery. And please — I know I don’t need to say this — No naked pictures! You want to come across as elegant.
On the flip side, keep in mind that even if you write like Nicolas Sparks, no photo means no dates. I repeat: No photos equals no dates. That's pretty much a guarantee for anyone. A lot of people are visual, and, unfortunately, some don’t bother to give the words in your profile more than a glance anyway.
Photo: Paolo Schorli via Shutterstock
2. Not having an appealing headshot
Don’t have one? Forget the professional route. Have a friend help you out!
You can pick one photo you like best, and please remember to smile. You can get away with no smiles in one of your pictures, but a smile goes much further. Avoid mirror selfies (and maybe selfies in general). Even though it's cute, a selfie can be read as "I have no friends," and "I'm reclusive".
3. Forgetting to include a photo from a social event
Don't choose anything too formal, though. This shows you have a life and adds social context. Since you probably got dressed up for these, it adds another dimension to the multi-faceted person that is you. It also gives the viewer a hint of what a great time they would have if they went out with you!
4. Skipping an action shot
This shows you get out, enjoy life, and are comfortable with your body. Plus, it gives your potential connections a chance to get a look at your form! If you’re shy about this, do the best you can. Eventually, the other person will see you, and they'll check you out in any case.
5. Holding back on the wild card photo
Have fun with this one — whether it's you and your crew at the Jets game, in the midst of that costume party, or maybe even just you and your dog. You're a hottie, so feel free to give them some eye candy (with elegance, of course).
Or, just choose your very best photo, regardless of the situation — a photo that shows the real you and makes you feel good about yourself and what you're projecting.
6. Changing your profile pic too often
You want potential dates to see a glimpse of the best version of you, but changing your profile picture every three days sounds like the insecurity alarm.
If you're unsure about your choices, have a friend take a look and give you feedback. Then post them for a month and see how it goes. You are the brand and you want your connections to like what they see and want to learn more about you.
Robert Manni is the author of The Guys’ Guy’s Guide To Love. He is also a contributor to Huffington Post, Gal Time, Straight Up Love, Cupid’s Pulse, and Knowmore.tv.