11 Tiny Gestures That Speak Loudly When Someone Truly Appreciates You
When someone is truly grateful to have you in their life, they make sure to show you, even in the most subtle of ways.

One of the best feelings in the world is know that the person you adore truly appreciates you. Unfortunately, deciphering other people's emotions isn't always simple. For instance, people can fake a smile or make a gesture that is the complete opposite of what they truly mean. There are however, some tiny gestures that speak loudly when someone truly appreciates you.
From mirroring your actions to tilting their head while they smile your way, many people engage in unconscious behaviors that unintentionally reveal how grateful they are to have you in their life.
These are 11 tiny gestures that speak loudly when someone truly appreciates you
1. They hold your gaze
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The first tiny gesture that speaks loudly when someone truly appreciates you is if they hold your gaze. According to lecturer and author Gregg Levoy, holding someone's gaze is a powerful way to connect and understand others.
Even so, holding a person's gaze can be intimidating for many people. Whether at a meeting with a boss or with a coworker, many people avoid looking at others due to an unconscious fear. However, those who are truly comfortable with you and most importantly, greatly appreciate you are increasingly more likely to maintain eye contact.
So, the next time you talk with someone and notice they feel comfortable holding your gaze, consider that a compliment. Most likely, these tiny gestures speak loudly about how much your loved one truly appreciates you.
2. They lower their voice
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How you sound in a conversation can convey how you're truly feeling. You might not always like it, but people can tell how you're feeling by picking up the tone of your voice. Lowering the volume of their voice is a tiny gesture that speaks loudly when someone truly appreciates you.
Lowering your voice isn't typically used for the everyday, average person. As it stands, most people are easily intimidated and as a result, speak with a higher-pitched voice. Researchers from the University of Stirling found that people may raise the pitch of their voice when they are concerned about coming off as a threat and therefore, want to appear submissive to avoid confrontation.
Lowering your voice can quickly come off intimately and shows a bond that surpasses being mere acquaintances. With this in mind, if someone lowers their voice in your presence then congratulations — this person clearly appreciates you.
3. They subtly lean in while listening to you
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You're in the middle of a conversation and a friend or family member subtly leans in while listening to you. What does this mean? Subtly leaning into someone shows that you're listening raptly to what they have to say. Not only does it show someone how closely they're paying attention to you, but it's also a tiny gesture that speaks loudly when someone truly appreciates you.
This sort of appreciation can make your relationship with the other person feel more connected. According to a study published in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, feelings of connectedness are important, as they help to improve physical and mental health.
Knowing this, the next time you're with someone, observe how their body language changes. Are they leaning away from you and actively looking away, or are they leaning forward while listening to what you have to say?
4. They smile and tilt their head
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Have you ever been in the middle of a conversation, only to have someone tilt their head and smile at you? Though this might seem random at first, a tiny gesture that speaks loudly when someone truly appreciates you is if they smile and tilt their head.
Now, tilting your head doesn't mean that you're confused. Rather, tilting your head is a sign that someone truly appreciates you and unconsciously wants to appear less threatening and more approachable, according to research published in Perception. Researchers found that tilting your head causes people to only look at the upper eye instead of both eyes, which in turn, makes you appear less threatening.
The next time someone smiles and tilts their head while speaking with you, remember this: they're doing their best to make you feel comfortable because of how much they appreciate you.
5. They mirror your gestures
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It can be tricky to tell how someone feels about you. On one hand, they may appear to be listening to the words that you're saying. On the other hand, anyone can fake interest and pretend to care when they really don't. However, a tiny gesture that speaks loudly when someone truly appreciates you is if they mirror your gestures.
If your friend or loved one mirrors your body language it's not just a clear indication that this person appreciates you. It's also an indication that this person is also emphatic. According to professor and licensed counselor Suzanne Degges-White PhD, empathic people don't only pick up on other people's feelings more easily, but they also are increasingly likely to mimic other people.
6. They sit taller
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The next tiny gesture that speaks loudly when someone truly appreciates you is if they sit taller. If someone truly cares and appreciates you, they'll unconsciously adjust their body language to show it. Not wanting to appear as if they're uncaring, they instantly sit up when you enter into a room.
Now, on the surface, this might seem a bit dramatic and uncalled for. However, according to experts at Brandis University, "Sitting with a straight back and leaning forward slightly suggests interest in the conversation and good energy."
Additionally, sitting up is an unconscious gesture that people make when they're around someone they greatly admire, appreciate, and respect. So, if someone close to you does this without blinking twice then this is a good sign that the appreciation they feel for you in one hundred percent real.
7. They put their hand over their heart
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When someone says something touching, you might notice a person put their hand over their heart. Although this might seem utterly random, people unconsciously engage in behavior that directly reflects what they're thinking.
According to a study published in the Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, "Many cultures associate the gesture of placing a hand on one's heart with honesty."
They continued to note that the hand-over-heart gesture shows that someone has genuine intentions or is giving one's word and intends to fulfill their promises. With this in mind, putting a hand over their heart becomes much more than just showing genuine appreciation and trust in someone.
Rather, putting a hand over your heart shows just how much commitment you have towards the other person, which is a tiny gesture that speaks loudly in the grand scheme of things.
8. They touch their chin or lips while listening to you
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Whenever someone is listening to you, people might notice that these individuals touch their chin or lips without even meaning to. At first glance, this might not seem like much of a gesture. You'd likely brush it off as an unconscious action and move on. However, touching their chin or lip has a lot deeper meaning that people might give it credit for.
Not only does it show deep thought, but touching their chin shows high consideration and appreciation for what you're saying. So, the next time someone actively touches their chin while listening to you, take note. Most likely they're appreciating what you have to say and are thinking deeply about the words you're trying to convey.
9. They adjust their clothing around you
Kostyazar | Shutterstock
Whether it's fidgeting with their hair or straightening out their clothes, a tiny gesture that speaks loudly when someone truly appreciates you is if they adjust their clothing around you.
If someone doesn't care about or has zero appreciation for you then they'll likely not care how they appear. With a baggy sweatshirt on and messy hair, these individuals will have a nonchalant attitude.
People who truly appreciate and admire you will almost always want you to see the best side of themselves. With this in mind, don't blink twice if they do their best to appear presentable.
Whether people want to admit it or not, most understand that how you present yourself directly impacts the way others view you, and as a result, someone who appreciates you wants you to view them in the best light possible.
10. They position their body to face you directly
Josep Suria | Shutterstock
It can feel a bit intimidating to have someone lean in close to you, or worse, to directly face you. However, a tiny gesture that speaks loudly when someone truly appreciates you is if they position their body to face you directly.
Feeling connected to you, these individuals will unconsciously show this through their body language. This is why they'll face you instead of turning away from you, yet, this isn't surprising.
It's important to remember that human beings use body language to unconsciously display how they feel. Knowing this, don't feel intimidated or weirded out if someone suddenly decides to face you. Most likely, they're doing this subconsciously to show how connected they are to you and how much they truly appreciate you.
11. They nod as you speak
Josep Suria | Shutterstock
Finally, the last tiny gesture that speaks loudly when someone truly appreciates you is if they nod as you speak. Whether you're ranting about your opinions or your personal problems, someone who agrees with you and appreciates you will unconsciously nod to show you their support.
Professor Julie Sedivy Ph.D., "Nonverbal signs of approval like these can act as subtle but powerful cues shaping our own acceptance of the message that's being broadcast."
One study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology conducted research in which students were required to listen to a broadcast arguing for carrying student ID. According to the study, students who nodded their heads were increasingly likely to think ID cards were a good idea compared to those who shook their heads no.
Knowing this, if someone actively nods along with what you're saying just know that not only are they appreciating what you're saying, but they're most likely agreeing to what you're saying.
Marielisa Reyes is a writer with a bachelor's degree in psychology who covers self-help, relationships, career, family, and astrology topics.