6 Things Men Only Do When They Really Love You, According To Psychology

If he really, truly cares about you, you'll see these things happening.

Man does things for woman because he really loves her. Natthanon Kongyam | Canva

Texts are nice, but there are definite actions that those rare important men perform if someone is really that important to them. Actions that don't involve phones or social media. Actions that make him step out from behind their screens.

If a man tells you that he loves you (and you want to know if he means it), here are six things he should be doing all the time, regularly, as much as possible. These are ways to make women feel loved which everyone should be doing — so if you feel the same way, you should return the favor.

Here are 6 things men only do when they really love you, according to psychology:

1. He drops by 'just to see you'

man doing a surprise visit J carter / Pexels

Can you remember the last time you dropped by his house just to see his face, and say hello? Yes, we text about our day and communicate constantly, but nothing beats being in each other's presence.

Studies from 2012 have shown that being in the presence of the man we love is vital to keeping us happy and healthy. And it makes sense.

Think back to the last time you hung out with him and laughed so hard you couldn't breathe. There's nothing that beats it.

RELATED: 10 Quiet Signs A Man Loves You, According To Psychology


2. He calls to share good news instead of texting

man calling Tima Miroshnichenko / Pexels

We can communicate with emojis, sure. I think many of us pride ourselves on our ability to weave an entire epic tale with strategic eggplant and frowny-face emoji. However, people read emojis differently, one study from the University of Nottingham declares.

Yes, a party hat and streamer emoji are cute, but you know what is so much cuter? Your actual boyfriend calling you.


3. He takes you for a weekend road trip

couple road trip Daria Obymaha / Pexels

Studies conducted in 2019 show that 76% of people would rather spend their money on experiences than on material things. Any couple can stay at home and order a pizza (and far be it for me to be critical of my favorite food), but when was the last time your partner filled the gas tank, made a killer playlist, and just drove aimlessly with you for a couple of days?

You can't remember, can you? That's a shame!

It's a fact, that lonely people don't live as long as people who feel connected to the person they love. So stay alive, and go on a remarkable adventure, you don't need to be a millionaire to do it.

RELATED: 5 Big Things Good Men Must Give Up To Be With The Right Woman, Reveals Relationship Expert Of 20 Years


4. He doesn't multi-task around you

couple not multitasking KATRIN BOLOVTSOVA / Pexels

When men are multi-tasking, they might feel like they're getting more done, but in fact, they're also getting more stressed, according to the American Psychological Association. So let's close our laptops, men.

Ignore Pokemon Go. Mute that podcast. When your girlfriend is chatting with you (online or in person), you should be giving her all of your attention. Women need you to show that you value your relationship.

I mean, don't be a creepy weirdo staring at them without blinking and gently stroking their face like some kind of monster, but we can all make more of an effort. We've all tried to talk to a partner over the sound of their fingers clicking away on the keyboard. Be the change you want to see in the universe, y'all.

RELATED: 11 Low-Key Signs Of A Genuinely Good Man You Should Marry

5. He actively tells you he loves you

man telling woman he loves her Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

Does he tell you he loves you enough? If a man loves you, they should be telling you. (And vice versa.) Of course, we should all be treating our special people with regular love and respect, but there's something really special about making eye contact and telling the person you love that you're thinking of them and that they matter to you. 

Having more friends and people who love you means you have a higher chance of living longer, according to the findings of one Australian study.


6. He shows up when things get tough

man showing up Vija Rindo Pratama / Pexels

The world is big and sometimes it's scary. Bad things happen to everyone. When your girlfriend is struggling, the best thing we can do is activate our networks of support and be there in that time of need.

RELATED: The 4 Ways Men Want To Be Loved In A Relationship

Rebecca Jane Stokes is a freelance writer, editor, former Senior Editor of Pop Culture at Newsweek, and former Senior Staff Writer for YourTango. She has a passion for lifestyle, geek news, and true crime topics. Her bylines have appeared on Fatherly, Bustle, SheKnows, Jezebel, and many others.