6 Subtle Signs A Man Really Wants To Marry You

If these signs sound familiar, he's ready to walk down the aisle with you.

Man displays subtle signs that he wants to marry a woman. Camille Robinson | Canva

In the eyes of most men out there, there are four types of girls in the dating scene: There are the girls you wouldn’t have to be with or date. Then, there are girls you would sleep with, but not date. Then, there’s “girlfriend material.”

Finally, there’s the kind of girl you settle down with when you’re done playing the field, and that's wife material or women who know how to be a good wife.  Most girls end up having to struggle to get men to see them as wife material, and honestly, some never quite make it up there. For some girls, though, men only see them as the type to marry.

Here are 6 subtle signs a man wants to marry you:

1. You have a 'wife' vibe he likes

woman with wholesome man Vera Arsic / Pexels

You may have a “wifey” vibe about you that makes men want to be with you — you challenge him, you bring out his best self, you make him feel safe: these are all qualities men want in women they see as marriage material. Research from the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology states that men also look for kindness as a key quality in a future wife.

RELATED: How To Find Out If He Wants To Marry You (Without Scaring Him Off)


2. His parents adore you

woman with boyfriend's parents RDNE Stock project / Pexels

The biggest sign that a guy wants to marry you is the reaction parents have to you. If every guy you ever dated had parents that were hyped about you being a potential daughter-in-law, then you might be the one guys bring home to mom specifically for that reason.


3. He waits to be intimate with with you

man offering to date woman Trinity Kubassek / Pexels

This isn’t the norm in modern dating. If he's moving slowly, it’s because you’re attracting men who are looking for a wife. Make no mistake about it: if he's telling you that he's going to need to court you “like a lady,” he probably wants to marry you. Research from the Institute for Family Studies states that couples who wait longer to sleep together report higher relationship satisfaction.

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4. He told you he's done 'sowing his oats'

woman and man talking on a date cottonbro studio / Pexels

It’s always hard to figure out whether or not this is a compliment, which is why it’s hard for women to know how to react. Regardless of whether you take it as a compliment or not, the important thing to realize here is that he sees you as wife material.

5. He's proud to show you off to friends and family

couple coffee date cottonbro studio / Pexels

He likes to show you off to those he loves most because you're who he loves most. This is a definite sign he has marriage on his mind. This is a positive sign that you two have a healthy relationship, according to research from 2011.


6. He loves watching you around kids

woman with kid Anastasia Shuraeva / Pexels

Most guys love women that they feel would make great mothers for their kids. If you notice that a lot of people say how amazing you are with kids, and he agrees or alludes to having a family with you someday, you know what the deal is. He wants you to be his wife. 

RELATED: 5 Subtle Signs Your Boyfriend Is Planning To Propose To You

Ossiana Tepfenhart is a writer whose work has been featured in Yahoo, BRIDES, Your Daily Dish, Newtheory Magazine, and others.