7 Subtle Signs A Man Is In Love With You From The Very Start, According To Psychology

He will show his love through his actions.

Woman notices the signs that a man loved her from the start of their relationship. Monkey Business Images | Canva

The adage “actions speak louder than words” rings truer than ever when it comes to dating and relationships. Anyone can tell you what you want to hear, but only someone who means what they say will make sure their actions back up their words. And that's just what you should be looking for instead of wondering "Does he love me?"

Because the interesting thing about love is that we all communicate and receive it in our unique ways. So, is it meant to be? Here are 7 signs of true love a man will show you when he's chosen you as "the one."

Here are 7 subtle signs a man is in love with you from the very start, according to psychology:

1. He includes you in every part of his life

couple in love Gustavo Fring / Pexels

When a man loves a woman, he wants to integrate her into his life and bring her around his family and friends. Meeting the parents is a big step in a relationship, and having a good relationship with your in-laws can lead to a happier relationship, according to research from 2021.

He wants them to love you and for you to love them. He wants you to be an extension of him and include you in important events and milestones.

RELATED: If You Can Answer Yes To These 8 Questions, He Loves You (Even If He Hasn't Said It)


2. He tries to give more than he takes

couple playing Leah Newhouse / Pexels

Real love is about giving and contributing to your partner’s life. A man who loves you will give to you in the best ways he knows how. He will care for you, respect you, listen to you, and adore you. Couples who respect each other reported higher relationship satisfaction, a study from the University of California Davis states.

He won’t drain your energy or make you feel like giving is only one-sided. Great relationships are not about give and take, they are about give and give.


3. It’s not "me," it’s "us"

couple together Leah Newhouse / Pexels

You were two separate individuals but now are a combined team. When a man is in love he will see you as inseparable. This includes when RSVPing to an event, talking about a vacation, or looking into the future. Where he goes, he wants you to go, and vice versa. It is no longer "my life," it is "our life."

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4. He really sees you for you

couple who see each other Pixabay / Pexels

How many people really see you? How many people hear what you’re not saying? A man who loves you will pay such close attention to you that he will notice details that nobody else does. He will learn what makes you happy, sad, angry, or ecstatic.

This awareness will help him love you more. It shows him all the small details he loves about you. Research from Penn State shows that people feel loved by their partners when their partner remembers the little things about them.

5. Your happiness is his happiness

couple happy together Ilkin Safterov / Pexels

When a man truly loves you, he shares in your happiness and lends you his strength to ease your pain. Being in love is about being teammates who always support each other.

One of the big signs of true love is a man who will want to see you happy and work to make it happen. Love is about putting that person's happiness first, research from 2022 suggests.

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6. He’s there for you, even on the rainy days

couple who are there for each other Kenzhar Sharap / Pexels

Life is not always sunshine and rainbows — it can be difficult. Any man can stay next to you on sunny days, but the true test of his love will be during the rainy days.

Does he hold the “umbrella” over you? There will be challenges, losses, and failures, but the right man will stand in front of you when you need protection, behind you when you need support, and next to you when you need a partner. Having a supportive partner can be good for you, with research from the University of Massachusetts Amherst showing it can help reduce stress and depression.

7. You will know

couple who know they love each other Taylor Thompson / Pexels

When a man truly loves and cares about you, he will make it known. He will put in the effort consistently and back up his words with actions. You won’t have to wonder about his feelings; he will tell you and show you.

He is choosing to love you. Love is a choice, with 64% saying agreeing, according to a YouGov poll.

RELATED: 15 Ways Guys Say 'I Love You' Without Ever Saying A Word

James Michael Sama is an internationally recognized speaker, author, and personal development coach. He has become a go-to expert with outlets such as CNN, Bravo, The New York Post, The Huffington Post, The Daily Beast, CNBC, The Boston Globe, CBS, and more.
